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Exploring AI in Bulk Coin Grading: Seeking Community Insights

I'm taking a slight detour on my AI Coin Sorting project to scratch a curiosity I have. I'm creating a case study to evaluate if it makes sense for third-party grading companies to implement AI as the first grader in bulk grading. My goal is to determine how effective this could be in reducing turnaround times for bulk modern coin submissions.

Below are some questions I'd love the community's input on. **You don't need to answer them all; any insights are appreciated! **If you know someone who might have answers, please tag them!

For Collectors Who Have Submitted Bulk Modern Coins (e.g., American Silver Eagles, Modern Morgan/Peace Dollars):

  • Which grading service did you use, and how long did it take from shipping your coins to receiving them back?
  • Did the actual turnaround time meet your expectations?
  • What was the cost per coin for grading, and did you receive any bulk discounts?
  • Are you satisfied with the current turnaround times for bulk submissions? If not, how would faster processing impact your collecting or business activities?
  • Would you trust an AI-assisted grading process if it led to faster turnaround times, provided that final grading decisions still involved human graders?

Insights on Professional Grading Practices:

  • How many graders typically assess each coin in bulk submissions? Is it standard for coins to be evaluated by three graders (two initial graders and one finalizer) at PCGS, NGC, CAC, and ANACS?
  • What is the average salary range for a bulk coin grader at a third-party grading company?
  • Approximately how many coins can a bulk coin grader process in an hour?
  • How many hours does a typical grader work in a day, excluding breaks?
  • For those working in the coin grading industry, what are the biggest bottlenecks in the grading process for bulk modern coins?
  • Are there peak periods when turnaround times are longer? What factors contribute to these delays?

Any information or experiences you can share would be incredibly helpful. When I finish this case, I will share it with the community 🙂

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