Question on 1952 British coinage
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In my Spink Catalog the section on George VI Bronze Coinage, Second Issue !949-52, at the end it says "The coins dated 1952 were issued during the reign of Elizabeth II". Would this apply to the 3 Pence and 6 Pence as well ? It doesn't say anything about these coins.
Just googled both and they show the kings head on both coins
so the answer to your question is yes, it applies to both.
Perhaps the OP was asking if these coins with the KG VI effigy released as he was still king or during the reign of his daughter. I believe the second is true. However, does it matter greatly?
Now if you are talking shillings, florin or halfcrown what does matter if you have a legitimate specimen.
Well, just Love coins, period.
I also have " A Guide Book OF English Coins" by Ken Bressett, 9th Edition 1982. The 1936 coins with George V are listed under Edward VIII. I was thinking this could be a similar situation. I enjoy knowing about the coins in my collection.