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Question on 1952 British coinage

In my Spink Catalog the section on George VI Bronze Coinage, Second Issue !949-52, at the end it says "The coins dated 1952 were issued during the reign of Elizabeth II". Would this apply to the 3 Pence and 6 Pence as well ? It doesn't say anything about these coins.


  • GreenstangGreenstang Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just googled both and they show the kings head on both coins
    so the answer to your question is yes, it applies to both.

  • 7Jaguars7Jaguars Posts: 7,582 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Perhaps the OP was asking if these coins with the KG VI effigy released as he was still king or during the reign of his daughter. I believe the second is true. However, does it matter greatly?
    Now if you are talking shillings, florin or halfcrown what does matter if you have a legitimate specimen.

    Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
    Well, just Love coins, period.
  • DoubleDimeDoubleDime Posts: 634 ✭✭✭

    I also have " A Guide Book OF English Coins" by Ken Bressett, 9th Edition 1982. The 1936 coins with George V are listed under Edward VIII. I was thinking this could be a similar situation. I enjoy knowing about the coins in my collection.

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