Updated PSA Grading Terms

So top loaders are no longer allowed? I guess I thought they were okay, especially when you submit flimsy stickers...putting those kinds of items into Card Savers leaves a decent chance for some kind of bending/creasing, by the submitter or a PSA employee when removing from Card Saver...and not that I used them, but they also don't accept the pull tab/stickers attached to the penny sleeve now? How about the part about bundling of multiple orders? Each submission has to be sent separately now?
"For avoidance of doubt, “non-conforming packaging” includes, but is not limited to, submission of items in incorrect materials (e.g., rigid “toploader” sleeves), inclusion of extraneous materials (e.g., pull tabs or stickers), submission of items in a different order than that on the Submission Form, bundling of multiple orders, "
I'm going to guess that the "bundling of multiple orders" would be if you put them all in one stack in a rubber band with no separators or identification as to what cards are for what orders/submissions.
Regarding the multiple orders in a shipment it’s not very clear. It’s never been clear and doesn’t seem to be correctly worded.
Order and submission seem intended to mean different things. I would ask however; do we make multi-order submissions or multi-submission orders? When you go to the website or app to “submit” cards you click a button to “create a new submission” which generates an “order” when it’s done. Later, if you have multiple orders? You can submit them with a “multi-submission ID”.
I just do my best.
I read the terms and the pull tab/stickers also seems weirdly worded. I’ll keep doing that because I think it helps with the handling. I always add a small post it to every penny sleeve and I still get a damaged card from about every 4th order. I can’t imagine how that would go if I didn’t add one.
It seems pretty clear to me, submitters tend to add a long post-it not to the penny sleeve to "help" graders pull it out of the semi-rigid. Logically, PSA doesnt want all that extra crap on the card. In other words, its not helping. The arbitrary pull tab not only gets in the way of the scans, it seemingly gets in the way of the graders. As for the stickers, again, submitters have a bad habit of adding stickers to the penny sleeve or semi-rigid for "helpful info", getting in the way of the scans and the graders. Adding this to the terms & conditions, they can now add a surcharge or send the order back.
I agree with this assessment.
It'll be pretty clear when you print out the submission forms what they mean. There is an option to send in multiple orders in the same package that requires a few extra steps. If its still there, then we know what they mean.
anybody have thoughts on the top loaders part of it -- are they for sure a no go now? Like I said in the first post, if a person is going to send in flimsier cards (mainly stickers), getting them in and out of Card Savers is a little problematic and I guess I don't fully trust that they will be handled with kid gloves at various PSA stages..
I appreciate the explanation but I didn’t say anything about understanding the pros/cons of a pull being added to the sleeve. I just said it was weirdly worded.
Always good to see someone’s opinion though.
You can get thicker penny sleeves, almost like a clear version of those slips that kids put Pokemons and YuGiOh's in when playing. I personally use a normal penny sleeve with stickers. They should just be able to pull the top part of the sleeve to get it out. Cards/stickers can slip out of toploaders and they take more room in stacks.
How many times does PSA take the card and penny sleeve in and out of the card saver during the whole process?
At least one time, removing to scan and returned in the card saver for the next stage, right?
I think that is when they creased one of my very thin '74 Topps Stamps resulting in a 5 grade.
What could possibly be the reason why pull tabs are no longer accepted? Extra waste in their workspace? As mentioned earlier, I'm sure it prevents more damage than it could cause...
Whats the big deal with top loaders?
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
I thought they weren’t accepting top loaders fora long time.
Because the Research & ID guy has to remove the card from the top loader and put it in a cardsaver... They can't put the stickers they print out on the top loaders and sure as hell the graders are not going to stick their fingers in one, let alone the amount of time it takes to safely remove a card from one (especially if in a penny sleeve too) vs the high speed one can remove from a card saver.
It’s easy to remove a card from a top loader. I think the problem is that it’s too easy…card savers immobilize the card during shipping, top loaders do not.
Top loaders are heckin' death on hangnails, so maybe they need to hire an in-house manicurist.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
A lot, the cards can move during shipping. When they are received and handled, sometimes when grabbing a stack of them, they tend to slip and fall all over the place. Then with the different sizes, they can be a pain to pull out of the top loader. I know there are really thin ones(less than 35 point) that are extremely difficult to pull the penny sleeve out unless you got baby fingers. With how grading is with them sliding the card in and out of the holder numerous times, I can see the problem.
I see more of an issue pulling a sticker out and returning it into a Card Saver than in and out of a top loader. it isn't ez to get a flimsy sticker into a Card Saver without feeling as if you caused a slight bend or caused one of the inner edges around the sticker to get lifted...and with the speed PSA employees probably do it at, it is an uneasy feeling to submit a bunch of stickers in Card Savers and think that you are going to get them back in the same condition, but maybe that's just me
They scan the cards in the holder they came in to protect you and them in case of dispute. Pull tab has to be removed before they can scan as it is covering part of the card. Buy the sleeves w pull tab but they are double the price of regular sleeves.