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USPS distribution system breakdown - Expect coin deliveries to be messed up

tincuptincup Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭✭✭

An Illinois-based trucking and logistics company, which contracted with the U.S. Postal Service to haul mail has notified over 650 employees, including more than 480 drivers, that the carrier is ceasing operations, according to sources familiar with the closure.

Midwest Transport Inc. is winding down operations as of Monday morning. MTI, founded in 1980, operated key terminals in Greenup, Illinois; Harmony, Pennsylvania; Memphis, Tennessee; and two terminals in Tampa and Jacksonville, Florida, according to its website.

“I don’t know what happened because we had a lot of postal contracts all over the U.S.,” a former MTI driver told FreightWaves.

“I [don’t know if] the USPS is just finding out like us [that] the mail will be sitting on the docks on Monday.”

The bad news.... this is a contractor for the USPS.... so has a large potential to cause problems now with coin shipments, and other shipments and mail via the USPS. Ugh.

----- kj


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