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Two Newps for my Bust Quarter Collection

Desert MoonDesert Moon Posts: 5,868 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 8, 2024 10:57AM in U.S. Coin Forum

HI Folks,
Here are 2 newps for my bust quarter collection. I have never had an MS graded large capped BQ, now I have one. The 1818 below is the B2 die marriage. Almost all of the 1818s in MS out there are B2 it is the most common of the 10 die marriages for 1818. You can tell immediately this die marriage from the die crack above Miss Liberty’s cap in the field and crossing into Stars 8-10. This one was graded 62+ by PCGS. Whether CAC would put it in a 62+ holder, well probably not as they are incredibly rare to get a + with them. Still a very nice coin and glad to add it - rich toning and frosty devices underlying the tone - you can tell immediately that it is not a messed with example and great to add it to my collection.

The other is a 1834 small capped BQ below (die marriage B4). When I obtained it at ANA, it was in an NGC 64+/CAC green holder, and I crossed it over to CAC. It did not get the plus with CAC which is not surprising again as CAC just does not give the plus too often to their holdered coins. The obverse bursts with luster, and it’s only flaw is a very thin, nearly un-noticeable light streak (possible hairline scratch), on the cheek running NNW to SSE. It is very hard to see and one has to have it oriented in the light just right for it to come out. The obverse could be a 65 all day, and has incredible toning combined with a nicely frosted Miss Liberty indicating no cleaning in the past. The reverse is what keeps it from a 65 and I am sure that is why NGC thought it to be a 64+. The toning and the frost on the eagle on the reverse are all there, no obvious hits of any type, but the reverse luster does not boom like it does on the obverse - more silky when rotating under the light. So this is a case where the reverse held the coin back from the next grade up. Since the retail price doubles from 64 to 65, hey I will take a dripping eye appeal 64 with silky luster on the reverse any day of the week. Across both the large and small capped bust quarters, this is one of 2 in CAC holders in 64. For the 1834, CAC has beaned 13 in 64 to go along with this one in a holder. It would be interesting to see if any of the beaned ones would get a plus if crossed to CAC holder…………. In either case, very happy to have this and the 1818 B2 in my collection.

Best, SH

My online coin store - https://desertmoonnm.com/


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