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Long Beach show, couple of pictures and new purchases

Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,476 ✭✭✭✭✭

I took off work today and went to the Long Beach Show. Most of the usual dealers were there, but a few didn’t show up this time. The bourse wasn’t too crowded, but not too empty either.
Here’s a few pictures as I headed up to the show

I picked up this HK-20 in the original box from Jeff Shevlin. The coin looks great, prooflike with no hairlines and lots of color, but what really sold me was the box.

And I picked up this coin as an upgrade for my circulated type sets. A little bit sadly, this will replace my current one that is an 1857 C in XF45, but this one looks better and has nicer color



  • pointfivezeropointfivezero Posts: 1,844 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 5, 2024 4:51PM

    Thanks for the report, @Mr_Spud and congrats on the pickups. I'm back at LGB after spending five hours at the show. I thought it was well attended and most tables had a fair share of window shoppers. There were many more empty tables than I remember at the February and June shows of past years. I picked up my recent auction wins at Stacks and dropped off a couple submissions with GC, then I did my usual rounds.

    I did notice a higher percentage of sellers than in past shows. And many seem to have brought in large collections.


    Edited for grammar (one should never reread their own posts).

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