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Listing Error for Eisenhower Dollar in Cherry Pickers' Guide Sixth Edition

SPalladinoSPalladino Posts: 873 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 4, 2024 9:34AM in U.S. Coin Forum

The sixth edition of the Cherry Pickers' Guide includes a number of new listings for Eisenhower Dollars. As an Ike collector, this is much appreciated, given the large number of collectible Ike varieties that exist.
One of the new listings is a 1976-D "Type 1" peg leg (FS-S1-1976D-401).
Problem: The image in the CPG is clearly a 1976-D Type 2 Ike peg leg...not a "Type 1".
In contrast, all 1976-D Type 1 Ikes bore a peg leg R by design.
Yes, there is a single-die 1976-D Type 1 collectible peg leg, from a die was severely abraded near the R, resulting coins with a severely foreshortened lower leg of the R in LIBERTY, referred to as a 1976-D Type 1 OAK peg leg. The image in CPG is clearly not of a 1976-D Type 1 OAK peg leg.
My guess is that the CPG listing is a typo, and should read 1976-D Type 2, and FS-S2-1976D-401
Unfortunately, if adopted by TPG, there will be problems arising from this typo.
ps - my Ike Peg Leg PCGS Showcase Set with images: https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/collectors-showcase/modern-issues-1964-present/peg-leg-eisenhower-dollars/1594

Steve Palladino
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor

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