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With low mintage and virtually no premium to spot...

DocBenjaminDocBenjamin Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭✭✭

I am wondering if the half ounce gold, First Spouse coins will ever carry a significant value above melt.

Business strikes. if I am reading my couple of year old Redbook correctly, are mostly at 2000 or below.


  • DocBenjaminDocBenjamin Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Side note, I have bought (and sold,) many $5 Jackie Robinson commems in MS69.

    With a mintage just above 5000, they peaked at $4800. and are now a hundred or a bit more over bullion value.

    I am reviewing the situation.

  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,782 ✭✭✭✭✭

    How many years are you willing to wait? 20 years I'd say buy all you can.
    bob :)

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • DCWDCW Posts: 7,387 ✭✭✭✭✭

    They are just too unattractive. Regardless of mintage, I don't think demand will ever exceed the supply.
    Unless 1900 or so are melted 🫠

    Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
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  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 34,562 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 20, 2024 10:41PM

    There are other threads on this topic. The consensus remains "no".

  • DisneyFanDisneyFan Posts: 2,097 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Presidents without spouses make an interesting short set. And throw in Martha Washington for good measure.

  • U1chicagoU1chicago Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Most have not sold for over spot in the last decade and I don't think that will change with higher spot prices. I sold one at the recent ANA show and could not get anyone to pay spot; I settled on $40 under ($80 under per oz).

  • DocBenjaminDocBenjamin Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Cost for a set would be prohibitive for most folks. Not something I guess, that one would keep on the coffee table in a Whitman folder.

  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    At the moment bullion value rules because bullion value is HIGH. That series was never popular and with current bullion price levels few will be willing to start collecting them.

    All glory is fleeting.
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,794 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Start actively circulating them. Simply get most into the circulation stream, then as the VF and XF coins dominate, your MS pieces will increase in value.

  • CRHer700CRHer700 Posts: 2,004 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ambro51 said:
    Start actively circulating them. Simply get most into the circulation stream, then as the VF and XF coins dominate, your MS pieces will increase in value.

    That wouldn't work, I would pull them all! :D

    God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.

  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,223 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There are much better World gold coin plays in terms of mintage and probable surviving population.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,239 ✭✭✭✭✭

    80 under is lowball

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • privatecoinprivatecoin Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭✭✭

    No different than a majority of modern commemorative silver and gold.

    Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc

  • 7Jaguars7Jaguars Posts: 7,485 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Most are very unappealing aesthetically. I did get the Betty Ford Unc. at issue time - haven't looked at it since.

    Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
    Well, just Love coins, period.
  • U1chicagoU1chicago Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MsMorrisine said:
    80 under is lowball

    That was after other dealers I knew didn't even want to buy it. I might have been able to squeeze out the $40 to get to spot online but then fees and shipping would eat up most of that. Plus I doubt anyone on the bst would have offered spot.

  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,239 ✭✭✭✭✭

    surprising, if all else fails send it to a refinery with the junk jewelry and sterling silver

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • CoinHoarderCoinHoarder Posts: 2,589 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is my one and only First Spouse Gold. Bought this one to go with my 1999 Dolley Madison Commemorative Dollars. I paid around $508. for it in early 2008.

  • U1chicagoU1chicago Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MsMorrisine said:
    surprising, if all else fails send it to a refinery with the junk jewelry and sterling silver

    Aren't those at 3%-4% under spot and require quantity? At 3% under you get around the same $80 under spot per oz.

  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,239 ✭✭✭✭✭

    then it's my bad mental math

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,577 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I still have two, PCGS MS70 FS.. Betty Ford and Grace Coolidge. I can’t say I regret buying them because of the price of gold lately, but I definitely don’t spend any time looking at them.

    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • Mr_SpudMr_Spud Posts: 5,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 7, 2024 5:36PM

    I really like this one, not a big fan of the rest of them though


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