Minnesota card show in September
Posts: 71 ✭✭
Hi anyone been to this show? Feedback good or bad? Thinking of going it s Sept 12 to 15. Im in Canada and we dont have many shows and its a direct flight from where I am at.
This one? Not sure what you are looking for as far as feedback is concerned.
Pretty big show, lots of new shiny stuff and Pokémon. Not a lot of vintage, but there will be some.
I live in Minnesota and go to a few of the bigger shows every year. Have not been to this location. Shows are fun to meet people and chat about the hobby, but I find that I overpay for anything I buy compared to ebay prices.
If you don't have many shows where you are, this one should be fun.
Thats the show and the kinda feedback I was looking for. Some vintage is good. I buy baseball some vintage depending on price but also like to buy newer. I just dont have time for ebay so this is great as its a social activity and have some fun for the weekend. I think I will go.
In that case. I think you will have a GREAT time!
looks like a big show. I would imagine most any card collector would have fun there
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Like a kid in a candy store.
You betcha!
My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com
I’m wondering if anyone has been to this show. Today is the last day and I’m considering stopping in. I mainly look for vintage hof autos. Thanks.
I guess it was ok. There was some good vintage.
At first I thought I was in the wrong place.
I ran into a couple dealers I know which was nice but I spent too much time catching up.
The card I was after at the show was bought on Friday by Mr. Desert Ice. Sports. Ugh. He got a steal at $15k so I expect to see it on his eBay for $60k.
Here was the highest grade/value vintage. Dealer was Eric.
I only found these… The 70 Carew finishes my Carew auto run. The Bo needs an auto.
Sid from ultimate Collectables had some unopened left but nothing worth getting.
Congrats on a couple of nice pick ups!
Love the Carew.
I was at the show Friday & Saturday. I would guess that 10 to 15% of the tables were focused on vintage out of 400+ tables...
The venue was great - wide aisles, AC was working well and vibe was strong.
As most card shows, there's a heavy emphasis on modern/ultra-modern and Pokemon and the like...
For the vintage material did you see any high grade 1970 hall of famers for sale?
There was one dealer with stacks of PSA 8+ 1977s
I got a dealer contact from Iowa who has high grade 70s raw but he didn’t have it at the show and doesn’t list it on eBay. I’m going down there in November.
Bo absolutely refuses to sign that card, or any other items using that picture, like vintage Nike posters and old Becketts. There's an explanation as to why somewhere out there on the internet.
Bo was here in Kansas City for a card show signing event last month, and they explicitly stated in the advertisement that he would not be signing the bat on shoulder pads photo.
Only at private signings and it’s rather expensive. But worth it.
Did not know that. Awesome!