New Purchase, but a slight problem
So I buy a coin and the photo of the holder showed a Gold Shield, so I thought it was a good coin for my set. After I get the coin, I entered it into my inventory and the Trueview does not show up. I do a cert number search on PCGS and it has no Trueview. I thought all Gold Shield coins had a Trueview. Can anyone explain or help me correct this issue?
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
I've had that happen a time or two. Recently I emailed "" and "" and was able to get one resolved without sending it in (they had the image on file but it hadn't made it to the cert page). In other instances, I was able to talk to Customer Service, who approved a "mechanical error" submission where I sent the coin back in and got it imaged. You're spot on - the Gold Shield should come with a True View so I'm optimistic that you'll get a good result if you reach out.
New website: Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set
I believe when they 1st started with the gold shield you had to pay extra for the TV
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Danco Set
As @alaura22 has already stated, there was a period of time when Gold Shield coins did not come with an automatic TrueView image. This might have been as long as a year or two, but then PCGS appeared to change their policy and all newer Gold Shield coins automatically came with the TrueView.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks everyone for the comments. PCGS answered quickly that the coin does not have a Trueview. I learned something today.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
Do you have a picture of the slab? I’m assuming it’s one of those 2010 period Slabs?
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Information compliments of @U1chicago and @robec.
PCGS started putting 'shields' on select labels back in MAR-2010.
At that time, it was called "Secure Plus".
Between MAR-2010 and JUL-2015, TV images were an add-on with an associated cost. IOW, they were not automatic.
In JUL-2015, free TV images were added to the "Secure" service.
Edited to add the word "select".
Interesting… this happened to me recently and after I contacted PCGS, they told me a TrueView didn’t exist for my Secure Shield coin. I thought it was strange and left it anlone thinking that was it. But after a few days, magically, the coin’s TV image appeared in the Registry Set. I guess they found it!
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."