would rotated reverse be eligible for set registry?

I recently purchased this 1921 mercury dime PCGS XF40 cert#26614739.
I'd like to resubmit for a True View and was considering having the rotated reverse designated on the label (looks to be ≈30° rotation). My understanding is I would need to submit for "error" attribution for a "rotated reverse" designation.
I maintain several set registries and most certainly want this coin to be eligible, but these pages
(https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/faq and https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/rules)
indicate that this coin would no longer be eligible if designated as an error (and I understand "rotated dies" is considered an error).
I'm confused as to why PCGS would preclude a rotated die from being eligible.
Can others confirm this is the case, that once a coin like this gets a "rotated die" designation, it can no longer be included in the competitive sets?
FYI, from a recent experience, If you submit it and it gets the rotated reverse BUT is considered an "error coin" it WILL NOT be eligible for for your registry set as NO error coins are!
I'd leave it as is, it's oblivious that it's rotated
My Indians
Danco Set
Thanks. I've sent a few emails to customer service to inquire. Well, it's only obvious because I (thankfully) have these photos illustrating the rotation. If I submit for a TrueView, which I would very much like to, the rotation will not be represented in the TrueView.
There are errors and there are errors. Doesn't seem like a rotated die error should bounce a coin from the registry, just about any other error yes, but I've got a bunch of non-attributed die rotations in my collection and never gave it a second thought.