How about some more sayings of some coin Sages

"Buy the book before the coin."
"Buy the coin not the label"
"A numismatist is judged on the content of his library not on the content of his cabinet."
"There are no Santa Clauses in Numismatics."
Nobody ever got burned by passing on a coin.
Pecunia non olet - Vespasianus

Money doesn’t stink. Not a sage, but his head was on a lot of coins.
Read the origin, I forget details.
"Have fun with your coins." - HRH
Honestly, this is best advice I can think of. It reminds us to keep it real, and not stress too much about money and grades. A wise numismatist once saw me at a show and asked if I was having fun. I guess the smile gave it away. I was having a blast. He made a remark about most everyone there being miserable to differing degrees. I looked around and definitely understood. It's a hobby. It's supposed to be FUN!
"If you want stickers collect bananas"
"Coins found in parking lots are not errors"
"No, you didn't win the coin lottery"
My current registry sets:
20th Century Type Set
Virtual DANSCO 7070
Slabbed IHC set - Missing the Anacs Slabbed coins
Collect what you want to collect!
Coin Photographer.
This is the oldest known reference to anything remotely resembling "coin collecting" in the historical record. Certainly these ancient counterfeit-collectors had, in common with us modern coin collectors, the irrational behaviour of paying above face value for a coin.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Jeez, so Pliny the Elder foresaw people paying serious money for Machin’s Mill ‘tokens?’
30+ years coin shop experience (ret.) Coins, bullion, currency, scrap & interesting folks. Loved every minute!
Coins are like buses- if you miss one there will be another coming along shortly.