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20 pocket 2 x 2 storage pages

Sorry guys, first post in a while. I have been away from the site for a few years, life has been crazy.
Currently I am using the BCW 20 pocket storage pages for my tokens and extra coins that I have in 3 ring binders. Whenever I take these out of the safe to work on them, I always seem to forget that the top of the pockets are not closed and I eventually spill flips on the floor. There are times I take some of these binders into work when I know a fellow token collector client is coming in the office for a meeting. Are there storage pages with some type of closure system or is there an archival safe tape a guy could use, or is good old scotch tape ok to use? Sure would be nice to not worry about the flips falling out and possibly losing something.

Thanks Danny


  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome back! :)

    You could try a small piece of good old scotch tape. (fold one end to make a tab to remove)

    You could also try an up arrow on the cover.

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