Huge theft at the Dallas Card show today.

it looks like well over $1MM worth of vintage was stolen from a dealer at the dallas card show this afternoon. terrible situation. I hope the dealer can recover these. included were multiple 52 Mantles and a 33 Goudey Ruth amongst many many others.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That sucks. Hope they catch and prosecute the perpetrator.
$2 Million Worth of Vintage Cards Stolen in Theft Caught on Camera at Dallas Show
So at least 4 perpetrators. How can a venue hosting something with that many $ not have more than one security camera feed. Doesn’t seem like there is a good view of anyone’s face. Hopefully they are stupid enough to ty to sell encapsulated.
If I were Ashish I would put good back scans on Blowout and ask BODA if they could identify some identifying marks and then see if PSA/SGC would work with you to look for them.
Video footage and a good breakdown of the heist here.
Ashsh is one of the good guys too. I think at least one of the criminals was caught in a pretty clear shot.
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
I have read on other forums of people putting blame on both the promoter and the venue. I guess I am in disagreement with that sentiment. I have set up at many shows and have never expected any venue/promoter to offer any security or cameras etc. I take responsibility for all of my own inventory.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Completely agree!
Frankly, it seems to me that the owner was quite lackadaisical with a suitcase containing a million dollars worth of cards. The suitcase was even in the back of the display area and nobody was even watching it. Perhaps being in the venue gave him a false sense of security, which was a costly mistake on his part.
If it was me, I'd of had that dam suitcase handcuffed to my right arm in a setting such as that, getting ready to pack-up and leave, etc.
Obviously it was not safeguarded the way it needs to be. However the dealer is a victim of a crime. I don’t think he isn’t taking responsibility.
That said, I think in this day and age venues should have decent camera coverage. It isn’t expensive - my small condo building (20 units) has better coverage than this venue has.
No idea why the promoter would be to blame.
I'm not mad at the dealer because someone ELSE stole his stuff. For those of us who've been victims of theft or burglary it becomes obvious pretty quickly that no matter what you do someone can find a way to rob you.
Those guys that did it are criminals and deserve to be in jail. An example needs to be set.
History does repeat itself. The train robbers still exist. Card shows have been vulnerable just the same as shows with precious gems, guns and even vintage automobiles. The price of admission is going to rise when the promoters can't help but insist on better protection for dealers.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
sorry to hear, Ash is a good guy. I have sold to him before.
I have dealt with the seller at the last two shows. I got both my Seaver and Aaron rcs from him. Great guy and easy to deal with. The perpetrators will be caught. So much heat and $$$ here
Two high profile thefts with the National coming up.
Oh boy. oceans 11?
I dont mean to victim blame at all. the robbers are the sole parties to blame. I was just commenting that I disagree with some comments i have read on other forums that some blame rests with the promoter/venue.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I hope the cards are recovered quickly. I fear they will get cracked and resubmitted or sold raw.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Man, that would be just throwing a tragedy on top of a crime. I really hope this doesn't happen and he gets them all back in the same condition.
I'm surprised this type thing doesn't happen more often with some of the prices being thrown around these days.
Horrible would those folks did. All they need to do is identify one of the individuals and then rat on the others involved. I am sure they will identify one of them as the hotel has cameras throughout so I'm sure police are watching hours of hotel footage. Once caught, they deserve some serious prison time. None of these 14 months light sentencing crap. At least 20 years at minimum since we're talking about over 1 million dollars here. FBI should get involved because this is a serious theft.
Agreed, reeks of organized crime and could go deeper than that.
High-priced items draw crime…theft, counterfeits, altered cards fake packs are all crimes.
A video was just released with shows the dirtbag pretty clearly with a tattoo..I expect he will be arrested soon and hopefully sent to prison.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Heard theif has all cards secured at a Best Western
Rattle Pokemon just posted a new video that has more security footage of this theft. This video should start right at the newest footage but if it doesn't, scroll to the 7:10 mark.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
It's hard to believe the thieves have not been caught yet.
Wow, if true, that's pretty outrageous.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
The video really didn't share any new info that the original security video showed. Its click bait to produce new "content" along with possibly adding new subscribers. It at least does help bring back to light the situation, but this is a VERY small community, and the mainstream public has forgotten about this.
@Vagabond I don't know if you actually watched that entire Rattle video but there's clearly more footage that wasn't included in the original security video. (THIS is the actual original security video straight from the Seller's Instagram account.
(meaning the guy whose cards got stolen)
Some of what Rattle pointed out were better angles to see some of the actual thieves but there was also different footage not seen in that original IG video.
The assumption is the one of the guys from the seller's group (maybe even the actual owner if that is him in the purple shirt on the left?) talks to the thief minutes before the theft at the 10:26 mark in Rattle's video.
Then very shortly later, purple shirt walks by one of his workers, taps him on the butt and has him move further away from the thief stacking chairs (can be seen at the 11:01 mark.)
Then shortly after that and taken from a different angle (13:24 mark) the guy in the purple shirt sees one of the other thieves, in a white hat, heading towards the men's room and eventually follows him into that section of the building.
Soon after that the theft happens while the guy in the purple shirt is nowhere to be seen. Again, the assumption here is that he's the owner of the stolen cards. If he's not and is actually one of the thieves then those clips make this whole situation even worse.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
My guess is the local constabulary feels they have better things to do than look for some trading cards.
Every day that passes is one day closer to this being a cold case. At this juncture unless the thieves do something stupid they will not be caught. The only question is can they sit on the cards until July 2029?
The Statute of Limitations for a non-violent Theft Crime in Texas These are the time limits for most theft crimes: Misdemeanor theft charge: Two years. Felony theft charge: Between three and five years. Theft by fiduciary: 10 years.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
None of these shows have any security at all. If you are a dealer you better be prepared to protect your items. A camera is never going to protect your cards. Especially footage that is very blurry. Someone said that one of the thieves had a tattoo....yes, that's the smoking gun. Only 1 billion people in the world have a tattoo. And as far as law enforcement is concerned, I'm sure this is extremely low on the priority list. Might not be even on any list. This is a very bad look for the dealer, the promoter and the venue management. I guess the one guy was doing something with the chairs for multiple days. Just moving, stacking and unstacking chairs with no real purpose at all. No decent footage whatsoever even at the entry ways of the show? Seems ridiculous. Maybe people over 18 need to show ID to enter a big show? Yes, it would take some time; but could be much safer.
If people over 18 had to show ID at the National you wouldn’t get in until the show was over.
It was just an idea. Either way, having 2 million dollars in theft right in front of basically everyone is something that needs to be addressed.
Not blaming the victim, but being a tightwad can be a recipe for disaster.
If I had 2 million in actual FMV inventory at a show I would spend the $150-$250 per hour to hire my own private bonded security. In my area they are usually retired cops so they could be as young as 42-45 and are armed.
IMHO, If in ones estimation the potential income from show is NOT worth the security extra expense, then it's simply not a show worth bringing 2MM FMV inventory to in the first place.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
couldnt agree more about the private security. I would imagine that a dealer with 2MM in inventory would also be carrying around a fair amount of cash as well.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.