Stevek, I wish you well, and hope that someday you wake up from the fear-fueled and ignorant world view you have allowed yourself to be swallowed by.
It's a stone cold fact that this has been happening not only in the medical profession, but the airline industry, and way too much else. I think you're well aware of this. Ridiculously combining stats of two totally separate independent leagues, is just the latest example of some of the crazy lunacy going on out there.
But I'll leave it at that. You're a newbie and may not realize this isn't the forum for further detailed discussion on this matter.
"stone cold fact" with no evidence to back it up is heresay and nonsense.
If there were a rash of doctors hired by "woke" administrators who were not qualified to practice medicine, we would have unending stories about the huge spike in malpractice lawsuits against all of these diversity hires. The fact remains: there has not been any such spike.
Likewise, the inclusion of Negro League players into the office Major League record books is some "woke" gone wild - it was a years-long investigation of the data after determining that the players in the league were Major League-caliber, as evidenced by the large number of players who went to MLB after Jackie Robinson.
Those claiming a "woke" mentality is the only determining factor in any minority achieving success is based in ignorance and fear. The primary fear being their unearned priority status is rapidly eroding and they will be forced to compete in a world in which they were given an advantage from the start.
I said in the other thread, and I will say it here: MLB has made their ruling, and they are the sole arbiters of their official records.
Enjoy the new era! I know I am! Anything which broadens the game's history and audience is good for the game. Why you want to keep it closed off is beyond me.
Congrats, you sold me.
Now the used car you just sold me without an engine or tires, will still drive fine, right? 😆
Theres a very simple way to have the records make sense for all the leagues. Let them be their own records for the leagues they played in.
Someone shouldnt be the all time homerun leader in Petco Park because they hit homeruns in Yankee stadium. Thats really what the push back against the merging of stats is about. The extreme inconsistencies and then the goal posts getting moved as a response is what gets these discussions to spiral out of control.
People also arent happy about history being rewritten or Ted williams technically losing his triple crowns because theres now two guys who played a combined 67 games in a different league and Williams had more hits than both of them combined that year are now ahead of him in average. Williams also had more than double their combined at bats yet hes now 3rd in the "official" records for average that year. He also technically would lose the 1947 one and is barely even top 10 in average because of several guys that played less than 25 games and overall played anywhere from 19 to 64 games as just some examples
Thats a pretty good reason for a fan of baseball and baseball history to be very unhappy about the merging of records with another league that has nothing to do with politics or race.
Yeah, so why isn't it a simple maneuver to just enforce proper thresholds for the seasons... It's because they certified the 2020 season. So maybe they shouldn't have done that.
This is what I was interested in discussing. Not all the other BS. That stuff just is what it is and I can't change it.
Thats a pretty good reason for a fan of baseball and baseball history to be very unhappy about the merging of records with another league that has nothing to do with politics or race.
@bgr said:
Yeah, so why isn't it a simple maneuver to just enforce proper thresholds for the seasons... It's because they certified the 2020 season. So maybe they shouldn't have done that.
This is what I was interested in discussing. Not all the other BS. That stuff just is what it is and I can't change it.
I dont count the Dodgers as a legitimate WS champion in 2020 either. I'm fine with player stats being added to their career totals but none of those stats should be in the conversation of best seasons all time.
I pretty much ignore all championships from that year in every sport. College football was the closest to having a full season that year and even that was significantly shortened
Congrats, you sold me.
Now the used car you just sold me without an engine or tires, will still drive fine, right? 😆
Theres a very simple way to have the records make sense for all the leagues. Let them be their own records for the leagues they played in.
Someone shouldnt be the all time homerun leader in Petco Park because they hit homeruns in Yankee stadium. Thats really what the push back against the merging of stats is about. The extreme inconsistencies and then the goal posts getting moved as a response is what gets these discussions to spiral out of control.
People also arent happy about history being rewritten or Ted williams technically losing his triple crowns because theres now two guys who played a combined 67 games in a different league and Williams had more hits than both of them combined that year are now ahead of him in average. Williams also had more than double their combined at bats yet hes now 3rd in the "official" records for average that year. He also technically would lose the 1947 one and is barely even top 10 in average because of several guys that played less than 25 games and overall played anywhere from 19 to 64 games as just some examples
Thats a pretty good reason for a fan of baseball and baseball history to be very unhappy about the merging of records with another league that has nothing to do with politics or race.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Yeah, so why isn't it a simple maneuver to just enforce proper thresholds for the seasons... It's because they certified the 2020 season. So maybe they shouldn't have done that.
This is what I was interested in discussing. Not all the other BS. That stuff just is what it is and I can't change it.
Perfectly stated! 👍
I dont count the Dodgers as a legitimate WS champion in 2020 either. I'm fine with player stats being added to their career totals but none of those stats should be in the conversation of best seasons all time.
I pretty much ignore all championships from that year in every sport. College football was the closest to having a full season that year and even that was significantly shortened
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007