2023 P U.S. Dime. I have questions. Man, do I have questions.

I'm not going to explain how this entered my realm of, that's impossible, until I feel the time is right.
If I may ?
I don't have a mic. to measure with, so just trust me.
Putting it bluntly ......
Fake or fortunate resident ?
It’s been “tapped“ on the edge to give it that raised rim appearance,
and it flattened the reeded edge of the coin.
Do you mean it's been hammered on the rim? I don't see how it would be so smooth if that was the case.
Hammering can be done smoothly just by taking your time.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
My IT dept. is on the fritz.

All the letters are flowing perfectly with the edge's raised appearance.
I'm going to sleep on this one and start fresh .......soon. And the date is, well, perfect, and a part of edge.
As Mr. Weinberg said, your coin was tapped. I once owned an 1895-0 dime that had been tapped. My tapped '95-O's diameter was less than standard.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
That is a cool find.
Later, Paul.
2.1 weight says it lost weight.
wait till you see the close ups of the images and the way they flow into the edge and on the edge.
Just spit balling here remember.
Even tapping with a spoon over time will work.
Okay, then, call it "spooned". In any case, it clearly PMD.
looks like someone was going to make a ring out of it eventually...
It's often called "spooning". Very common. Numerous threads on this forum.
It is either one of two things, it has been spooned or it is a dryer coin.
In either case it is considered damage with no numismatic value.
I vote clothes dryer coin. Dimes are too small to make a ring by spooning.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
That is what I call it. I think it was done by prisoners to make rings but I don't know how they make the hole.
Oops, I never read past something I can answer in a thread and then as I go back to continue after posting I see I have added nothing to the discussion. I HATE IT when others pile on when the answer is already given rather than post an "agree." Am I the only one?
Get a dime and start tapping the edge with a spoon. Decently hard. Work your way around. 45 minutes to an hour later it'll look just like this.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Similar to a dryer coin, but a little too neat, so yeah, spooned. We look forward to more pictures and commentary though.
This coin was "spooned." Unfortunately, the TV doesn't show the smooth rim on this VF35 coin. I forgot about the flat rim when I submitted it, but PCGS properly spotted it and graded it "Details - damaged."
The OP coin is from a washing machine. Not spooned.
It was done in a machine shop with two steel rollers that could be tightened to apply pressure enough to squeeze the metal. Because a spoon can't get that smooth.
A lot of the coins used in casinos with a slot of slot machines have smooth edges but not the raised rims that this coin has.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Here is one way it is done.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
You can't possibly know that unless you took it out of the washing machine. The effect is the same in either case and people do odd things all the time.
1. How does a clothes dryer create such an accurate design ?
..........I never encountered this action before and just researching this common look.
2. How many coins would someone use on their way into insanity, (like a Tootsie Roll Pop, how many taps does it take to get to the center) would polishing be the next step ?
3. If the tapping theory, what device would be used to clamp and spin, leaving no marks or stains ?
I do feel comfortable asking these questions, even if, as putting it out there would be wrong to describe.
Oh, and @Ikes,
That ain't no fat lady.
Emerald…dude I love the approach, but as you know, anything that can’t be explained is frankly damage. Now, I’ll probably get flamed for this, but EVERY single piece you show is damaged or wrong attribution. Love the passion, but….try again with the next one which I assume will be the same damaged coin.
But, we love you as a member of the group. Glad you are here!
I swear to God when I first read this I was completely believing you were just trying to get him to hit a dime with a spoon for 45 minutes to see if he’d do it. 🤣 I can’t believe this is a real thing. People are nuts and I seemingly learn something new every day, no matter how hard I try not to.
Having fun while switching things up and focusing on a next level PCGS slabbed 1950+ type set, while still looking for great examples for the 7070.
Kudo's Bubba,

I just want to understand the PHYSICS of this finished product, tampered with or not.
Let's call it the magic coin theory. Sry, couldn't help it. What ?
I'm wasting my time here, but the washing machine sinply rolls the edge of the coin if it is stuck properly between the drum and frame.
The spooning is a real thing that requires nothing but a hard tool and patience. You hold the coin in your hands and press the hard object ("spoon") along the edge as you rotate the coin.
Respectfully, if you spent 1/10 the amount of time doing research as you do staring at damaged coins, you would know the answers and save hours of time.
Plausible .

Although on this subject, there seems to be more copper than supplied. Physics ?
If you've got the time I've got the lime. GIN ?
Put a couple of dimes in your clothes dryer and spin it for 1/2 hour. Then look at what happens. I've ruined a coin or two that way.
I think we’ve all left some pocket change in our pockets and mine has always just come out banged up all to hell. I guess the trick is sans clothing?
Having fun while switching things up and focusing on a next level PCGS slabbed 1950+ type set, while still looking for great examples for the 7070.
I spooned one on a fishing boat in the early seventies. If I find it I’ll post it. I did not drill it.
They normally get stuck so that the obverse and reverse get ground down. They can't be in the dryer itself, but wedged between the rotating drum and frame.
I laughed really hard at this. Yeah man, start tapping, it's real. I tried it once like 10 years ago with a quarter because I thought it was BS... Nope! 🤣
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Hell, I'll go to Home Depot and see if someone's got game.
Yo, Bud, looking for work ?
What a waste of silver.
i’m not so sure about that. I have a few customers who buy silver for the express purpose of making rings.

As a matter of fact , here is my replacement wedding ring ...
Thanks for the samples.

Some how this was in circulation and used as coins are passed back and fourth.
I guess that puts a sock in it, on this subject.