Need assistance - anyone have the Edmund Kopicki rarity scale?

I am looking for Edmun Kopicki’s rarity scale that he used. If anyone has it, I would appreciate them sending me an image of it.
Thank you
I am looking for Edmun Kopicki’s rarity scale that he used. If anyone has it, I would appreciate them sending me an image of it.
Thank you
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Thank you very much!
Just FYI - A post from July 2005 does mention the scale may be off a little based on what is known today
"The treatise - at least the four-volume version in my library - was published in 1995, so the prices and even some of the rarity description (R5, R4, etc.) are out of date and not consistent with more recent knowledge. For example, Kopicki lists some of the Danzig 1920s proofs are R8s (2 or 3 specimens known), which is definitely not the case."
Charles III Album
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Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Thank you for the information. I saw that thread, but Kopicki is still routinely used by many even though some of his research is dated and found to be inaccurate in some instances. V. Bitkin is another often used, but probably falls into that same dilemma. Are there better sources out there for early to mid-nineteenth century Polish coins?
How universal is this scale? What is the best universal rarity scale?