Backward PCGS Holographic Label

I received the following coin a couple of years ago and was immediately confused because the PCGS label is backwards. I took it to a few local and reputable coin shops, and they were perplexed as well--but both felt the coin and the PCGS labels were genuine. I have scrolled through numerous PCGS listings for the same type of coin, ATB 5 oz, and not one is like mine.
Thoughts from anyone?
Best Answer
davewesen Posts: 6,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
It looks like they put in the reverse half of the slab in upside down before sonically sealing it. You seem to have a rare mechanical error, although possibly no premium.
Thanks, Dave. I am leery of counterfeits, for I have run into them before, hence my concern here. It is good to hear that you don't see any reason to be alarmed by it.
I suspect they might fix it for free as they do not like having their 'errors' floating around. You could try contacting customer service with pics and see what they say. They also could confirm auuthentic/fake if they had it in hand.
Thanks once more, Dave. I saw your message earlier today and went ahead and reached out to them and they verified its authenticity and offered to fix it if I pay the shipping both ways (I am surprised how fast I got a response!).
Be well, Dave, and thanks for your thoughts and guidance.
I would keep it as is. Not sure on the value but it has that cool human screw-up factor going for it.
That is why you should not drink while running the slabbing machine,,,,,,,,