$2 1928D LT low and high serial numbers

$2 1928D Legal Tenders. Lowest and highest known serial numbers. B86933784A mule and D35923578A non mule. I believe these two will forever be unbeatable as the low and high.
$2 1928D Legal Tenders. Lowest and highest known serial numbers. B86933784A mule and D35923578A non mule. I believe these two will forever be unbeatable as the low and high.
Well I am selling a higher S/N at Great Collections:
It has issues though
Yours has a higher number but is from the BA block. The highest serial number is in the DA block. Presumably, the serial numbers for the 1928D $2s start in the BA block, has CA block notes, too and ends in the DA block. A higher serial number would be from the DA block and above D35923578A.
BA block was the starting point for the 1928D series and my example is the lowest known on that block. Same with my DA block which is the highest known on that block.