Selling Old Stamp Collection

I have a stamp collection from 1960 and before. about 500 US stamps, 1860 - 1960 Postal, 1900 - 1960 commemorative and Air Mail. etc.
Then about another 500 - 1000 from Poland, Hungry, Greece, Germany, Canada, France, Great Britian and various other foreign countries. It's been collecting dust for nearly 60 years.
I belonged to a stamp club up to the age of 15 or so and we use to meet at the "Old Slater Mill" in Rhode Island.
I have NO clue what if anything it may be worth.
Don't trust dealers in the area. If they are like most sports card dealers, they offer about 1/10 the actual value.
I want to get rid of it !!! ( without devoting a lot of time figuring out if there is a gem in the ruff )
Any ideas on how to do it ???
Hoping I can get $300 - $700.
Fred from RI
Try posting this in the stamps forum for a better response.
I Just did !!l
I'm new and learning boss.. bear with me please ... lololol
Can I delete this whole thread form here ?
How, please help.
You cannot delete a thread here on the forum. It will stay, but it’s absolutely no big deal. Sometimes they will move it to the right forum for you, but don’t worry about it
Thank you NER, I'll figure it out eventually,
On the roll, picturef myself and learned how to add pictures all in 1 day .... LOLOLOL
Way to go @FredJRI !
Brian (former Pokémon Professor and League Leader)
Oh and lolololol
weeeeeee , Didn't work
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