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Selling Old Stamp Collection

FredJRIFredJRI Posts: 467 ✭✭✭

I have a stamp collection from 1960 and before. about 500 US stamps, 1860 - 1960 Postal, 1900 - 1960 commemorative and Air Mail. etc.
Then about another 500 - 1000 from Poland, Hungry, Greece, Germany, Canada, France, Great Britian and various other foreign countries. It's been collecting dust for nearly 60 years.
I belonged to a stamp club up to the age of 15 or so and we use to meet at the "Old Slater Mill" in Rhode Island.

I have NO clue what if anything it may be worth.
Don't trust dealers in the area. If they are like most sports card dealers, they offer about 1/10 the actual value.

I want to get rid of it !!! ( without devoting a lot of time figuring out if there is a gem in the ruff )
Any ideas on how to do it ???
Hoping I can get $300 - $700.

Fred from RI


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