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Is this an error on this coin?

There is a perfectly shaped cut/slice right on the edge of the coin, looks like it might be from a die.

Best Answer

  • FrazFraz Posts: 2,118 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Welcome. It is a scratch from the machine that wraps the rolls—it is not an error from the mint. The scratch is on the left at ten o’clock, eight, and it cuts a bit through the 3 as well. Some sellers misrepresent coins with that damage.


  • Edit:
    There is also what looks like 3 little chips in Washington's neck.

  • @Fraz said:
    Welcome. It is a scratch from the machine that wraps the rolls—it is not an error from the mint. The scratch is on the left at ten o’clock, eight, and it cuts a bit through the 3 as well. Some sellers misrepresent coins with that damage.

    Thank you for the help!

  • FrazFraz Posts: 2,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Vegan_187 said:
    There is also what looks like 3 little chips in Washington's neck.

    Scratches too.

    You are welcome. Read what the members look for in the coin roll hunting thread.

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