When will new varieties from CPG 6th ed Vol 2 be added to complete variety sets?
I was checking the Washington quarter complete variety set and none of the new ones are included. Will all of them be added in the future, or do the PCGS registry set people decide which ones are worthy of inclusion? Some of the new ones seem to have a population of zero and without pcgs numbers.
The book has been out for near a year with 2nd printing coming soon.
Yes I would like to know also. I do have several of the new varieties into PCGS for grading
1940-D FS-502 Repunched Mint Mark in an MS-66 PCGS holder
1961-D FS-503 Repunched Mint Mark raw. Should grade MS-64 or 65
1963 Type B FS-901a in a PCGS MS-65
1959 PR FS-102 DDO it was in an NGC PR-67 holder. Hope it grades a 67.
The 1963 Type B FS-901a also had a Trueview, which is how I saw it to begin with. Here is the Trueview.
Here is a close up of the reverse short arrow.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
oh my, I hope the 901a's don't get added to the B/C set.
I'm guessing never. I posted the same question last winter and got no answers. I don't think anyone cares. Well maybe a couple people but overall I don't think our hosts have any interest in the subject.