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Lighting/Photography update

spyglassdesignspyglassdesign Posts: 1,634 ✭✭✭✭✭

I just updated my lighting setup, requiring much less correction in photoshop now!

I bought 2 gooseneck lights to replace my LED desk lamps. I am currently using some cheap daylight bulbs from home depot. I ordered some GE Reveal bulbs but I think they are faulty as the light is orange! I also have some OTTlite flourescent on the way, and another set of GE Reveal bulbs arriving later today.

This is my camera mount: https://www.amazon.com/Auxiliary-Holding-Overhead-Ballhead-C-Clamp/dp/B094N6W6SP

The silver lights are the LED's I'd been using for the last year or so. The black desk lamps are the new ones and they take whatever bulb I put in them, allowing me to experiment more. I am diffusing the light a bit using a sticky note stuck to the side of the lamp and bent between the bulb and the coins :lol:

Here is one of the most dramatic before/after so far. The after looks completely natural to in hand, with just a minor contrast edit. I'm sure as I experiment I can nix photoshop altogether by changing the camera settings.

For fun I took some pictures of other random coins with no editing whatsoever. The proof I used a filter on the camera lens otherwise it would reflect the camera in the mirrors. As always, I'm open to critique and suggestions to improve even further. I suspect getting working reveal and flourescent bulbs will help too.


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