Silver Army Men

Anyone ? I ordered a couple for a grandson. Haven't seen one in hand, yet. Mentioned these to a customer. His first question was : " Can I get a ten ounce tank ? "
I'm still mulling over the premiums on silver bullets, of which I've not handled.
But I sure recall my early childhood days and them green army men . Novelty got the best of me, this time.
My grandfather had the molds for making lead soldiers. At the time, it was pretty cool.
Someone produced a gold plated silver Custodes model from 40k. 40k is basically just adults playing with army men

The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Again, I'm not selling or peddling.

The premiums are exhausting.
Those look exactly like the green plastic army men that I remember from more than 50 years ago. Honestly, my favorites from back then were the gray German ones.
I strongly suspect that the way they're making these silver ones is through the investment casting process, also known as the lost wax process.
They will take a green plastic army man, enclose it in a plaster mold, with a small runner and sprue for pouring in molten silver. After heating up the plaster mold to burn up the green plastic army man, they pour in the molten silver. After the silver cools, the plaster is broken away.
Are you positive they're pure silver?
One has 'copper' in the heading and what the heck is 'elemetal'??
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
i thought a private mint was making these some years ago for like $10 or so over
Elemetal is a refinery. One of many vendors. I think they bought NTR (north Texas refinery) And I think they bought OPM ( Ohio precious metals). I can't keep up with big and little fish.
These are NOT pure silver. They're .900

Wrong forum
These come out in about an hour at the US mint.

$75 per ounce. No limit.
This is 12 ozt