Wells Fargo Semicentennial So-Called Dollar - HK-296

The Wells Fargo Semicentennial is one of the more interesting So-Called Dollars for it's subject matter showcasing the time of the frontier.
Has anyone ever seen or heard of a sighting of the gold specimen? Is it unique?
Here's my specimen.
Post anything related to Wells Fargo here
Here are a few more from CoinFacts:
Nice looking coins. Thanks for showing them.
On Wells Fargo $s always check the edge as the medals presented to some of the senior officers and managers had their name engraved in that location. I have one with the Midwest Regional vice-president's name neatly inscribed. I was told by a knowledgeable source that it was done by the company but I haven't confirmed that information.
Very cool. Do you have a pic of your edge? It would be great to start cataloging these and listing them on inserts.
Very nice example, John.
I really like the design. It seems when you stare at it long enough, the scene begins to come alive and the characters are all in motion. Stage coach buzzing along, the riflemen in ground combat, Indian proudly firing his bow and arrow at armed security.
I owned one in a high grade which had its original presentation box, but I sold it long ago.
These have really climbed in price
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Thanks for the comments Den! It's tough to find these, especially with some color.
I think you hit the nail on the head with the design. This seems to be one of the few period pieces that have a frontier pictorial, really bringing back what life was like back then. I love the touch of the snake on the obverse.
The only thing that doesn't really match my understanding of the times is that I would have imagined the Indian to have a rifle as well.
Amazing Mike! Imagine traveling across the US in one of those while being fired at with rifles, and returning fire!?