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Thome traded to Braves....

Not really, just wanted to see if Derrick was still up. image


  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    Heh heh, I KNEW that was a joke before I even entered this thread! image

    Imagine that...Thome to the Braves...I mean, we're already destroying teams...Imagine if we had that guy! OUCH!!!
  • LOL, you still got them rookies?
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    Yup, but I was JUST heading off to bed before I seen this thread and I was like AHHH what the hell...I'll post a few more times...but yeah, I was waiting for your reply from the last thread where we talked about those rookies...Maybe we can finish the discussion tomorrow...I'm going to bed...I'm tired! LMK tomorrow and maybe we can work out something...thanks image
  • LOL, alright, I guess I'll continue to keep ya "girl" company while you're sleepin image.

    Now I gotta find that post d@mnit!
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