Hi Dave - I tried to DM but the system is still having issues. I have a buddy who just registered here today who will be contacting you re the T$s. I know I get nervous with brand new members so please feel free to contact me if you need a reference.
Hi Dave - I tried to DM but the system is still having issues. I have a buddy who just registered here today who will be contacting you re the T$s. I know I get nervous with brand new members so please feel free to contact me if you need a reference.
Dave - He is having issues DMing also...can you please message him on reddit at u/CrazyRusFW?
I reached out to Russ, thanks! I've done business with him a few times on Reddit, thanks!
BIN 1877-S Chop marked Trade Dollar Toned PCGS XF
PM sent on 76-S Trade $.
Sold a couple of coins, make a reasonable offer on anything you may be interested in, the worst is I say no or counter.