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Dealer site Webmasters: please flag your NEWPS!

BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 469 ✭✭✭✭✭

An open letter to dealers and their webmasters! If you offer a lot of coins for a particular series, it is VERY helpful to flag which ones are newly listed (or better yet, flag the date that they were first listed).

The problem statement: yesterday, I may have looked at your entire offering (which, for my series of choice, involves attributing die marriages, which can be time-consuming). Today I load your page, and instead of 23 (or 53, or 253) coins there is some other number of coins. Which ones are new?! Do I have to go through the entire inventory again? ARG!

Practices I appreciate:

Flagging new coins with the date listed...

...or with a New flag

Offering a filter with differing date ranges

Sending out NEWPS / Early Bird letters to your loyal clients

Anybody got other Nice-to-Haves when browsing a coin website?

New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set


  • P0CKETCHANGEP0CKETCHANGE Posts: 2,731 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Couldn't agree more. Here are the sorting options of two very well-known and popular dealers. I rarely bother using their sites as I do not have the time or patience to wade through hundreds or thousands of coins (the second one has 227 "pages")

    Nothing is as expensive as free money.

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,073 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The flip side is that people may then ignore the "old" stock.

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