Wayte Raymond Standing Liberty Quarter Album Page Question
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Never collected SLQ's, but I have been a long time buyer, seller and collector of Wayte Raymond Albums and I had never noticed this until today regarding this SLQ Album Page 1 feature. It lists a 1916 SLQ Old Type and New Type slot for a coin. I did not know of 2 Types of the 1916 SLQ, just of the 1917's. I can't believe I had never noticed or heard of this before. It wouldn't be for the FH feature I wouldn't think as it doesn't offer it for any other coin on the pages.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
I'm assuming the "Old type" slot is for the Barber quarter of the same year.
Collector, occasional seller
See above 👍
I think it's a bonus to
My thought also.
That is exactly right. Notice the "type 1 type 2" for varieties in 1917. "old type" would indicate the prior design.
It would be fun to research and see if Raymond albums for Lincoln cents along with Mercury dimes or Jefferson nickels offered the same consideration.
If you really want to have some fun with this, look what this older United States type set album does with the Standing Liberty quarters:
(On a side note: I get a kick out of what the various Indian cents types used to be considered.)
Type III Now this I've never heard of....such detail.
I just checked mine and does not have it. What is the item number on the back?
Okay, after digging around I found the answer:
For the TYPE COINS within the quarters- date set- Raymond did show both the old and new type for 1916:
Again, notice this was for the quarter date set coins.
For the Standing Liberty series- including all three mints- he did not do so:
The OP's photo above is for the United States quarter date set coins- it does show both old and new 1916 quarters.
The series- 1916- 1930 with all three mints represented, does not.
Edited to add:
That was a fun challenge and I appreciate Jim for bringing it to us.
I think it means the 1916 Barber too. I’ll look it up in David Lange’s Wayte Raymond book when I get a chance. He might have mentioned it. I knew about Type 3 in the series, it’s required in the following Registry Type Set across the street
Here’s all three types
They are missing an Indian Head slot with the Type 1 and Type 2!! Changed in 1886! Completely incomplete!
I didn’t see anything mentioned in Lange’s book regarding the 1916 old and new types on that Wayte page.
Did Wayte ever make pages for large size bust quarters?
1938 coin catalog a ran across from Wayte…