seems complicated at first, but i think I get it now. in theory, it should result in fewer injuries as players will not have a full head of steam before they launch into the returner.
@craig44 said:
seems complicated at first, but i think I get it now. in theory, it should result in fewer injuries as players will not have a full head of steam before they launch into the returner.
Its the same kickoff the XFL used and those games basically every kickoff had a return. Its one of the few major rule changes that actually make a game better for once. Kick returners will actually be a valuable position again
One of the few rule changes I actually do like. Kick offs were just a waste of time watching balls be kicked into the endzone basically every time
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I plan on taking a local community college course in trigonometry to help me understand this.
are you kidding me with this
the NFL is turning into such a clown show
two-hand touch within 10 years
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
seems complicated at first, but i think I get it now. in theory, it should result in fewer injuries as players will not have a full head of steam before they launch into the returner.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Its the same kickoff the XFL used and those games basically every kickoff had a return. Its one of the few major rule changes that actually make a game better for once. Kick returners will actually be a valuable position again
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007