Is there any value to 1, 5,10and 50 Dollar US Banknotes with consecutive Serial numbers?

I have a rather large bundle of 100% UNC crisp, brand new (watch for paper cuts ) 1, 5,10 and 50 Dollar US Banknotes.
2013 and 2017 series
Is there any bonus for consecutive serial numbers?
thank you all for your input.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
There usually isn’t any premium for consecutive modern era notes as so many dealers and collectors bought straps or bricks of notes when they came out that there is no shortage of them.
What you need to look for are special serial numbers and errors.
I agree with @Greenstang.
+1 to the 2 replies
I expect a discount for consecutive # notes (& the more I buy the cheaper I expect the price). When my lot of notes arrive & I discover that the serials aren't consecutive, it makes absolutely no difference to me. All I care about is their condition is as described (that they're indeed UNC). I have even seen consecutive TPG World notes sell for less than what they would have hammered, had they been listed/sold separately.
I am forever curious why collectors would label "consecutive serial #" & suspect they're coin collectors first (& have no clue how common/inconsequential consecutive serial # are!) Sellers seem to hope it will help sell their notes.
I suspect that "consecutive # notes" translated into "UNC" decades ago when this hobby was truly in its infancy (even though we know that's a dangerous assumption).
Fun fact:
Although one would expect all World notes to be issued consecutively, Euros happen to be serial numbered through a check sum formula & break the trend. It is impossible to find consecutive serials for them.
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Not sure if I do understand what you are trying to say here.
But thank you all for your input.
we shall spend these BUNC notes on??? bottles of wine maybe?