NON SPORTS...AT&T data breach

in Sports Talk
AT&T has just discovered a massive data breach. Some 73 million customer's info is now in the dark web.
If you have AT&T, It is imperative that you login into you account and change your user id and password. I just changed mine, and they allow up to a 24 character password, yes, mine is now 24 characters long.
Search "AT&T data breach for additional actions to consider taking.
I actually got a notice on my phone just last weekend saying that my password for this forum was found in a data breach, no other sites just here. I changed it along with my Google password too just in case.
Anyone else have this issue come up? I thought about starting a thread asking about it but didn't expect that it would stay up long.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
Good thread.
I saw that and immediately sent out the link to a bunch of buddies who has AT&T, this shouldn't be taken lightly
I'm a Verizon guy so that's all I got
AT&T should focus on security rather than having stadiums named after them. 😒
The team that plays at that stadium had a breach several months ago.
I just received a phone call from Omari from Nigeria who said he's got $10 million dollars that he can transfer out of the country, but he needs someone to send it to, and he will split it with me. All I need to do first is send him 100k for the transfer fees.
I said back to him "sounds good, and let me give you all my personal and banking info so that it can immediately be done."
He said don't worry about it, I already have all that info.