Weird Wheels stickers/cards...I find no mention of them ever, anywhere in the forums

Just going through some things from my childhood and found these. I vaguely remember them, I was 10 (1980).
I also found a bunch of Wacky Packages stickers and Saturday Night Fever trading cards lol.
I've never posted in the Trading Cards forum, I'm a coin guy.
I noticed the one sitting on the very top of the pile (top left) is miscut.
I know nothing about these...can anyone tell me things about them?
I searched and see no mention of these anywhere in our host's forums.
Please and thank you!
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
Those are the red headed step child of racing card art sets. So bad of a set the cards make people physically ill upon viewing them. In fact I just puked.
As A Collector of Non Sports for 20-30 years, I
think your observation is Spot On!
Thanks for the infomative reply, I said sarcastically. I got some actually helpful info in a different forum.
I'm guessing Wacky Packages would cause seizures for you then.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
I don't remember these so I looked up "weird wheels trading cards 1980" in google.
I read a few short and useless articles about them and checked them out on tcdb, but then I landed here...
That wasn't enough to satisfy my appetite so I then went here..
This didn't teach me anything, but watching the montage of these weird wheels to a musical score really just put this day in the books for me. Nothing is going to top that.
My advice... Go to a big parking lot... Find cars which resemble those wacky rides and put one under the wiper for the lucky winners! Spead the weird with the world!
I probably bought a few packs of those. It was around that time that I was buying at least one pack of anything in a wax wrapper. I don’t remember them specifically, but I managed to keep a small stack of my childhood non-sports cards. I am guessing I have at least 1 in there.
Not quite as good/funny as Wacky Packages. I was mostly interested in sportscards though.
Sorry to be Blunt here, but comparing this Dreck to Wacky Packages is like a Bridge too far! This crap was a Blatant 80's grab to get a few bucks from the Non Sports Side of Card collecting in the early 80's to Mid 80's! I was there, and I was NEVER going to get behind this CRAP!
All of those cards pictured above would not compete for a trade with a Bag of Skittles, oh wait a minute, the Skittles are worth more!

Wow, you are really upset about these cards...I was 10 when I got these and we liked them, I remember trying to draw them on school folders and things.
One of my best friend's fathers was an artist who drew these kind of things and designed iron-ons for tshirts and other things, and I remember being in awe of his skills. He ended up designing a lot of popular graphics in the 80's for products.
It's ok man, you don't have to be involved with ever seeing these cards again that clearly ruined your life somehow...maybe you should write a strongly worded letter to Topps about how horrible these cards have been for you lol.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
I love it!
So much depth in this thread!
One collectors duality - the love for Wacky Packages and the disdain for Weird Wheels!
But. I wonder. The year is 1983 and I'm in class.. probably hungry after lunch and I take a stack of weird wheels out of my trapper keeper... My buddy peers over and says... "Hey! I'll trade you a bag of skittles for that Hun on a Honda!". I'm probably taking that deal.
What's your favorite flavor?
I'd be putting the stickers on one of my Pee Chee folders for sure...and maybe I even did lol.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
Trapper Keeper's ROCKED !
but just to close out the thread hopefully.. Weird Wheels sucked beyond all that which has sucked before and even before actual suckness existed in the world I say unto thee ! ODD RODS RULED.