Another dealer vehicular burglary

TYPE OF INCIDENT: Vehicle Burglary
DATE OCCURRED: 2/25/2024
A dealer returning home from the Memphis Coin Club show in S. Haven, Mississippi on 2/25/24 stopped at a Dairy Queen in St. Genevieve, MO and while inside unknown suspects broke into his vehicle and stole his show inventory which included paper money, coins and cash. Video shows three suspects entering vehicle and removing inventory and leaving in a white mini van. The St. Genevieve Sheriff's office is currently following additional leads.
Partial Listing of coins and currency:
Large quantity of raw coins in all denominations including key and semi-key dates
Large amount of slabbed and raw gold
Large amount of slabbed coins
1875CC $10 gold PCGS XF45 16214460
1857S $20 gold PCGS MS64 CAC SSCA3455
1838 $5 gold PCGS MS63+ 38997240
Large number of obsoletes
6- Rare $10 Commercial Bank of Memphis, TN notes
Approximately 30 Mississippi Cotton Pledge notes slabbed and raw
Plain back National Bank note from Albany, AL
Small coins were housed in 11/2x11/2 holders with prices in pencil. Larger coins housed in 2x2's and mylar flips with a staple in right hand corner. Examples are pictured below.
A more detailed listing of coins and currency will be available when completed by victim.
Anyone with Information contact:
Doug Davis
This story seems all too familiar. Sorry to hear this and hope the dealer is made whole.
Getting way too common.
Easier to rob a coin dealer than a bank... they just wait for the right moment.
There is a tendency for folks to have a common faulty belief of “that’ll happen to someone else, not me.”
Hence crooks are having a field day stealing and making money hand over foot.
If you want to be in the numismatics business today ... you better be vigilant at all times.
And stay away from New York.
and DON'T stop and eat on the way home!!!
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
East Coast Follow Home crew strikes again. The crew being three people makes it more dangerous, criminal groupthink...
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Very sad to hear.
Don’t stop to eat - I do drive thru if coast looks clear. Then when get it pull out / eat in car in route devouring it like a predator. Also take snacks to show / sandwiches tide one over. One can put a lunch sack or container in a utility tub.
There was one local show at this mall where the people coming in were broke but came to steal. One brazen guy wanted take a junk box coin priced at a dollar to some other dealers table look at it thru microscope told him no. Unbelievable.
This looks like a trend as the coin dealers are an easy target with the possibility of getting a large score. Many business today do not deal in large amounts of cash, so the bad guys are limited on targets. The penalty for a car burglary in MO over $500 is a class D felony which may result in four years of imprisonment with fines of up to $5,000.
I think if they see a lot of big ticket stuff in a guys display case - gold coins, etc his chances in becoming a target increase considerably. A friend who was a major gold coin show dealer got out of the biz couple years back - stress at airports or traveling in car to shows with all that. Thieves can strike anywhere / I even had somebody possibly try to steal my briefcase (w coins up in a overhead bin) on a plane about ready take off with some screwball ruse switch seats with his wife a few rows back : that he was a minister taking his wife to her fathers funeral. What a turd! Blocked it - told him see the stewardess. Then he backed off. When screwball situation - watch out!
I blame the allure of Dairy Queen on this one, how can you not stop?
Drive through is the best option if your car has anything of value in it. Doesn't make sense.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
Seems like one should keep a complete inventory in case you need to produce one on short notice. Also I wonder if the S O found a beeper on the dealer's vehicle or the thieves were there early and were maybe able to match him to his vehicle. I hate to give the bass turds ideas, but I wonder if they put a beeper on all dealer cars from Missouri. The show organizer should contact all dealers and tell them to have their vehicles searched for tracking devices. I suspect that Apple tags are traceable to a purchaser.
Lastly whoever wrote the report should probably know that it's Southaven, MS, as there is no North Haven AFAIK.
Nothing wrong or different in NY
You are really incapable of even slowing down what spews out are you? You edit every single post multiple times and you think THIS anecdote is a good addition to your post?
The paper money is easily traceable. I hope the dealer has alerted the dealer network as to detailed descriptions and serial numbers of the notes involved. He also needs to be checking eBay to see if any of the notes are being offered on that site.
Unfortunately most material that gets fenced does not trigger alerts to law enforcement nor does stuff hit the radars of those looking for stolen material on the various networks. As we saw with that woman working at the post office in Texas stealing for years, it took a long time to catch her. There could be more dedicated resources to do exhaustive alerts and communications with likely fencing locations.
I'm not a dealer but as a buyer I was still careful as my last coin show I attended I did spend more than my normal amount and I was extremely careful when I left the show, driving home I always checked my rear view mirror and I even drove past my driveway and did a lap around the block just to be on the safe side.
It doesn't hurt at all to err on the side of safety.
I'm also able to do the 18 hour fast no problem, so I don't need to stop and chow down for lunch after the show.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
I go thru drive thru, Burgers, shake or drink make sure not followed, hit road. Eat in car / skilled at eating and driving too. Shows to home or hotel what I call a 1A Flight - non stop. Like a predator with a fresh kill - Tastes real good knowing that retail money / thrill of lots profit paid for it too.
Do many dealers bring along friends or other people? I knew a dealer here in Scotland who always had at least two friends/assistants go with him to most shows, at least ones that could be reached by car. He still got followed once though...

This topic has been reported/discussed in numerous CU threads and yet thefts and robberies continue.
Due to the nature of our hobby, carelessness and arrogance of some, I predict losses will continue.
Not out of the realm of possibility,but unlikely,one could be cased inside. Someone watching you flash cash,watching a large purchase. Thinking you might be an easier mark than a dealer.
Funny you say that. Recently, I was thinking about this very subject.
WE sell gold double eagles, almost exclusively on E-Bay. From time to time, we need to pick up coins from SDB's / etc and bring them to our apt in NYC for shipping. If you're clever enough to get past the concierge, the doorman could be an obstacle.? Deliveries must be left in the lobby so getting upstairs isn't a walk in the park. WTS, if you happen to get upstairs (past the cameras in the elevators) you are now faced with a bit more of a problem. You need to get through two locks without a neighbor hearing or worse yet seeing you. There are 12 neighbors on the floor who are regularly going in and out of their apts. Noise would alert them to buzz the lobby. I feel somewhat safe in the apt.
We are thinking about moving from NYC for a variety of reasons. My thought was that I'd rather use an auction house to ship for me rather than exposing my house address (E-Bay) which will be far less secure? Sure i could use a PO box but a relatively quick search on E-Bay could easily identify where I'll be housed. Not sure I would feel very secure?
How could a quick search on eBay show where you live?
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Not E-Bay. Sorry if i was misleading.
A quick search on the internet.
Shipping a coin on E-Bay (return address) gives a buyer the post office you ship from which is probably near where you live.
Even if someone knows what PO Box you use, that’s a far cry from easily identifying where you’ll be housed.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Depends on the size of the town... how common the name.... and how much time you wish to devote?
Maybe the word easily is a problem? Do you believe it's that difficult to track people to their residence?
I haven’t tried, so don’t have a basis upon which to answer.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
That's what happened as I was counting the $100 bills right across the counter and there were a lot of people around and a lot of $100's being counted.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Robbery occurs when force is used to take someone’s property. This was a burglary. Every time I see one of these threads I think “Oh no someone got attacked!” Thankfully that isn’t happening.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I have an assistant that’s x military police / intelligence (a Europe NATO country). She is trained to knock down an attacker with one kick among other things. Fantastic cyber skills / great help w security both shows and online.
My focus find device that can recognize tracker on car. I pack heat and visit the shooting range frequently. However that’s no guarantee against a surprise attack / multiple hostiles. At shows don’t leave your cases unlocked while stepping away from the table. If showing somebody multiple items take your time and watch them like a hawk. Under no circumstances allow somebody reach in your display case. Never allow unpaid for merchandise leave your table.
That’s very horrible those dealers robbed like that and very disturbing. Its basically a terrorist act. To be tracked to one’s home……Certainly when one traveling with inventory they basically a sitting duck. Do not leave inventory in transit unattended for any reason. Deflect any attempt by someone to distract you or separate you from your inventory.
If a dealer doesn't have a B & M they most likely operate from home. Go to a show and the dealer might be Feld's Coins, Bugtussle, Texas. Or maybe Bugtussle Coins. Either way it's a starting point to a search. Might even have a business a business card with an address or phone number on it. Ever start preparing a label on PirateShip and have it bring up nearly everything before you even enter all of it?
Yes Many don’t have a shop - one could operate both online and show circuit. Or just one of those.
Well that helps explain the mustard stains. RGDS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Apparently there is a video record of the three burglars breaking into the dealer's vehicle at St. Genevieve.
Has St. Genevieve Sheriff's Office provided any descriptions of the three suspects?
Anything happen with the video of the 3 burglars ?