Phillies end long-standing $1 hot dog nights after fans threw them on field last season

in Sports Talk
Phillies end long-standing $1 hot dog nights after fans threw them on field last season
"Dollar hot dog night at Citizens Bank Park in South Philadelphia has been a staple for 27 years as one of the best promotions in the majors."
Now things have gone too far. 😒
Lol they threw a bunch of hot dogs on the field?
That is hilarious actually
Saw this story on ESPN tonight. Never knew about this event. What a sight. Joey Chestnut would be in his glory eating his way out of the stadium.
Never heard that took place in Phila. Huh ?
Were they dressed in Cleveland, throw back attire.
Might have been in Boston. They know how too throw an, eco friendly, party.
Bring back 10 cent beer night in Cleveland. What a great idea at the time lol.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
That 10 cent beer night fiasco was pretty wild. Even wilder is the fact that about a month later the Indians did it again!! The second one had strict limits on how much beer could be bought and the security was much, much more robust. Nothing of note happened.
Something similar happened during a Cleveland Browns game, a riot ensued on December 16, 2001 and has been dubbed "BottleGate" because of all the beer bottles thrown onto the field. It stands as the only game in NFL history which had a play reviewed after a subsequent play had already been run!!
Official ultimately canceled the game with 48 seconds left to play, also an NFL first.
Disco Sucks at Commiskey
For some reason a Harry Caray disco version of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” just doesn't seem right. 🤔
Of all the stupid activisms movements the disco sucks is right at the top of the list for being completely retarded.
Yeah its a head scratcher.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
The "Disco Sucks" movement may have been stupid but the idea behind it was spot on and in the end most will agree that disco music does suck. It was an interesting era and everybody thought they had to get involved by making a disco song, even the premier Rock-and-Roll band of the time, The Rolling Stones, got sucked into the vortex.
If you want to engage in a nice power-puke go to the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame and look at some of the groups/artists that are inducted. Donna Summer, really?? Give me a freakin' break!! Disco itself was tolerable and a fad that passed quick enough, what is really depressing to me is what it spawned..........................Rap and Hip Hop. I'm as open minded musically as you can get but it's amazing how much garbage music is out there since the advent of disco, but I digress.
During the late 70's while serving our Uncle I wore my "Disco Sucks" shirt around half the World, if it hadn't torn and frayed I'd wear it today. I'm not alone in how I think if I use people I know as the example --- most are tolerant of a lot of things but they draw the line at Disco and Rap.
Disco Sucks!!
I think country music and rap sucks but I'm not about to hold a rally to try and get people to boycott it
We all are entitled to our tastes in music just like anything else.
Activists need to go find a job
Yeah, activists and activism sucks!!! What a silly thing to say.
There was this group of activists in the 1760's and 1770's who sought to overthrow the British government. Check it out, that ended well for us.
I'd love to go toe to toe with you on what you know I'm talking about but unfortunately I can't school you on that topic on this forum
The fact that disco's influence is seen all over the place in modern music would seem to indicate most people do not, in fact, think it sucks. The Bee Gees being among the best-selling artists of all-time, along with the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack being among the best-selling albums ever, would also bely that notion.
The R&R HOF has long been basically "artists of the rock N roll era" as opposed to just rock artists.
I was told, that event was Clearwater's
Spring Break.
Obviously done in protest seeking a heart healthy alternative to hot dogs... even the Philly fans are unable to get a break.
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Yes such as processed deli meat, heavy on the sodium nitrate please. 😆
Hopefully there would be a consensus that a Philly Cheese Steak is just too iconic to be thrown and simply too messy... especially for those Philly fans that have upgraded to Yuengling.
Maybe $1 soft pretzels would be worthy of consideration... Lighter than a hot dog and perhaps not able to be thrown as far even though I would not want to underestimate Philly fans. Just throwing out some alternative problem solving concepts prior to Opening Day.
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I'm shocked that stevek would allow such unruly behaviour!! Shocked I tell you. Such a scene at Citizen's Bank Park is such boorish behavior, no wonder you got your dogs taken away.
We more civilized Bostonians who revere our time at Fenway Park amongst our fellow game watchers showing a more civilized decorum at all times allowing for a more subdued enjoyment of the contest. Behold the proper way to engage in earnest and interface with a fellow game attendee. Only Boston could display such brotherly love.
Oh those wonderful days of Remy and Orsillo...PRICELESS. The loss of beer was tragic, but as you will see, the two attendees were able to discuss the incident with mutual respect.
Watch the whole thing...You Phillie fans got nuthin on Red Sox Nation. We spend good money to be crazy, you people got your stuff for free.
I think if you throw a soft pretzel like a frisbee it might go further than a hotdog.
I seem to remember a pizza getting tossed at Fenway.
Unless I'm missing something, at Fenway, a Red Sox batter hits a foul ball into the stands that may be catchable by the opponent. As a Red Sox fan, you would want the other fans to try to interfere with that event possibly happening.
Those are excellent seats. So I would presume that the fans involved who tried to catch the ball, may be season ticket holders, have sat there many times before, and when they saw a foul ball coming their way off the bat of a Red Sox player, they knew what to do.
Only if the same ball was hit by an opposing player, and they interfered with the out, would those fans have deserved some pizza being thrown at them.
Perhaps the dummy throwing the pizza, was drunk and wasn't paying attention, and thought an opposing player hit the foul ball? Then instinctively threw the pizza in anger.
Turns out the batter struck out anyway, so it was basically much ado about nothing. LOL
Fortunate they did not have raw clams with shells night. Can get good range with the shells.
@Tabe said: The fact that disco's influence is seen all over the place in modern music would seem to indicate most people do not, in fact, think it sucks.
What that "influence" suggests to me is that "most people" have lousy appreciation of music and tend to like the wrong stuff, they generally like what the industry tells them they should like. I would ask this question: if you live in or near a large Metropolitan area do they have a radio station which is dedicated to Disco?? That would be the clincher for its perceived popularity. The closest large city for me would be Cleveland, they offer a wide variety of stations dedicated to specific genres, but no Disco that I know of.
Are you suggesting they dont have radio stations dedicated to dance music??
I can name 2 different ones in my suburb in southern NH, I'm sure there are more nearer to Boston lol
Sadly, you missed the humor. The foul ball was not even a thought when I posted.
@perkdog said: I can name 2 different ones in my suburb in southern NH, I'm sure there are more nearer to Boston
I don't think dance music and disco are the same thing, ie, all disco is dance music but not all dance music is disco.
Your assessment of their ability to appreciate music is irrelevant. People like what they like.
Exactly. A lot of dance music, or a lot of modern pop in general is just an evolved version of disco.
Are you kidding? 🤣
Nobody could miss the humor. I just added to the story. You missed that adding to the story, in my view, made your post even funnier.
I think you've got it figured out now. 😉
Dance music existed in various forms well before the Disco scene. Exhibit A--The Savoy Ballroom and Chick Webb.
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