Need help with identification

in Sports Talk
I recently acquired this very cool photograph. The family who owned it said that the team was from Christian University. There were two real photo postcards with the team photo showing two different buildings at the university. The team photo was taken in 1907. The postcards were postmarked in Columbus Ohio and mailed to an address in Germany I believe in either 1908 or 1911. I tried to research Christian University in Columbus but there was not one in existence in 1907. I cannot make out the team's name on the uniform. I believe it begins with a "C" and ends with "tal". Any assistance would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.
Wish I could help.
Great photos
There is a Capital University in Columbus. Since early 1800s.
Local Historical Society's or Museums may be of assistance.
It appears to say Capital on the jerseys. Tying into what Brick mentioned earlier.
I think Brick is correct. I did a quick search and found a photo of Lehmann Hall, named after Wilhelm Lehmann, the president of Capital University from 1857-1880. Looks like your postcard.
Capital University was officially incorporated in 1850 when the Ohio General Assembly granted the school its charter, although it was founded twenty years earlier in 1830 as a Lutheran seminary in Canton, OH. That might explain the description as a "Christian university".
THANK YOU GUYS VERY MUCH! Great detective work and in rapid time. The family also believed that the blackened window on my postcard was the family member's dorm room. Pretty cool history. Thanks again to everyone who assisted or commented.