did you know and did you know -- afternoon version

everyone has seen the Milwaukee Brewers logo a thousand times. what have your eyes always told you? a baseball glove and a ball, right? right.
but there's more.
look again.
there's an interlocking "m" and "b."
now for the Montreal Expos logo. that big, beautiful, colorful "M" we all miss.
or so you thought.
there's an "M," of course. but there's also an "e" and a "b."
M = Montreal
e = Expos
b = Baseball
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
turn it upside down and it kinda looks like an M....

Or Something That Should Not Be Posted Here On The Forum...

When I was a little kid I always was confused as to why the Expos logo said "ELB" or so I thought
And being 100% shamefully honest. I never noticed the M&B with the Brewers logo or the MEB either but it's more embarrassing about the Brewers logo I think lol
Absolutely ridiculous that I literally just learned that today
hey ya perkdog...
I thought the same thing back then...
The Atlanta Falcons logo, it's a Falcon, but it's also the letter "F". ☝️
hey 2bleD....Great Call...I never noticed that one...
Nor have I!
I see in the near future a topic named: Logo Ink Blots...