Nascar race at Datona 500 delayed until tomorrow.

in Sports Talk
I have been waiting for this all winter but I guess one more day won't matter.
Its better to wait for the rain to go away then to have the race delayed because of bad weather.
You are not alone. Been waiting a year. Had been all set to settle in for the days race. Along with the Genesis golf tournament as well. Race supposed to be on Fox tomorrow after Infinity race ends. 4pm or thereabouts. "Let's go racing boys"
4pm-ish on that 4 pm EST ??? I'm just asking for my mom...
That would be eastern time.
Yep...same here. All dressed up and no where to go. Take care...
As stated above about 4pm Eastern time. Happy Motoring
At least we'll have something good to watch tomorrow, I'll get the beer and snacks ready!