Calculator for Banknote grading

Anyone know of Banknote Grading Calculator either online or phone app? It would be nice to have since grading is so confusing at least for novice. I see there are some such apps for coin grading on Apple store, but none for banknote collector
Came across this video on youtube, quite useful:
Not that I know of (& I can't imagine trusting an app over an expert). I like the video (fairly comprehensive)
Re: grading banknotes
-you just got to do it (A LOT). Over & over again & accept the fact that you will get it wrong (from time to time) & self-correct. I used to take a stack (100) out & try to grade about half of the stack. It really helps if you have a collector buddy so you can run it by him (or her). A 2nd set of eyes are HUGE. Figure out what you do incorrectly (forget to check how well -centred, use a side light, check the corners, etc)? And like posting (or acquiring) keep at it (try to be consistent).
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I think it would be difficult for an automated app or program to grade notes by images. I think the paper has to be felt and inspected closely to determine an accurate grade.
This has been one of the biggest impediments for our hobby taking off: buying online (sight unseen). You get a scan but most scans don't really tell the whole story. A lot of scans with poor contrast can hide how circulated a note really is. I just see no future in an app.
Learn to grade!
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I wonder How would such a device would sense banknote beautiful bold color? I don’t doubt at sometime a banknote grading AI will be developed. Perhaps a self grading holder.
If a scanner wasn't light (but used sound/echos) perhaps it could detect irregularities in paper?
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