India Rupee identification

Any rupee experts here? I can't match this to anything I'm seeing online.
Weight is 11.13 g. Size is approx 16mm.
The coin shows a few shroff marks and is thick/dumpish.
Any rupee experts here? I can't match this to anything I'm seeing online.
Weight is 11.13 g. Size is approx 16mm.
The coin shows a few shroff marks and is thick/dumpish.
Shah Alam Bahadur?
This is not an exact match:
Possibly Muhammad Shah KM 436.12 or 436.15
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
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Thanks @WillieBoyd2, maybe I can find a match in here. I keep finding similar coins, but it's been tough to get an exact match.
I learned a little more, apparently there is a "dump style" of these rupees, with smaller diameter but thicker planchet. This looks to be of this style.
I emailed the owner of the chiefacoins website to ask for help, hopefully he responds.