the Mahomes family

in Sports Talk
Patrick Mahomes II -- i like a lot. one of my fav NFL players to watch.
Brittany Mahomes -- cannot stand
Jackson Mahomes -- cannot stand
Patrick Mahomes Sr. -- apparently doesn't understand that he's not allowed to drink and drive
way to be a distraction days before the Super Bowl, dad. now your son is vying for the same number of rings as DWIs on your record
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Not a positive thing for the Mahomes clan the week before the game.
I highly doubt it will distract Mahomes though, hopefully reporters don't be rude and ask him about it
ouch, thats not good. didnt andy reids kid do something like that just before the Tampa SB?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Sad to see this, this is his third DWI, he's facing ten years in prison if convicted.
Brain injury to a 5 year old child drunk driving. Only got 3 of the maximum 7 years in prison.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Ya never really know how an incident such as this is going to affect a player's upcoming game performance. The player himself may not even know until he gets in the heat of battle.
Actually there are a number of examples of players having stellar games right after family tragedies.
I'm nobody to throw stones at drunk driving, I shamefully admit I did it for over 30.years but stopped several years ago.
In this day and age, Uber and Lyft are right at your fingertips and I'm pretty sure Mr.Mahomes can afford paying for a ride, the risk is too great to drink and drive drunk, too many people on the road and e everyone has a phone in their hands, they hit you and your drunk?
Even if it's not your fault it will be.
wow, that is terrible. 3 years for destroying lives. I am an absolutist when it comes to DUI. it is NEVER ok, and I think the penalties should be far greater. NEVER having a license to drive again and very very significant jail time. It should be considered attempted manslaughter at minimum.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Agree Craig.
Do a google search on habitual drunk drivers and see how many there are with at least 6 prior arrests. And then little or no jail time.
that is terrible. I always am afraid of impaired drivers hitting/killing one of my friends/family members. In my state, we now have legal recreational pot. that stuff is just as bad as alcohol when it comes to impaired driving. as if drivers are not distracted enough with phones...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
It always seems the drunk driver who causes the death always seems to get away with minimal or no injuries.
Ironically being drunk actually makes you less susceptible to injury. The body is relaxed and doesnt tense up on the impact allowing it to handle it better which is why you generally see that outcome in the accidents
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Lack of a license wouldnt stop it. The penalties do need to be greater if severe injury or death is caused. We have some things backwards with our current legal penalties. Life sentences for murder isnt actually a life sentence, you can ruin someone life with permanent sever injuries and only get a couple years yet someone could get a decade for possession of drugs etc.
The most insane thing was it wasnt the maximum sentence and the judge actually went very light in this case and he probably will serve about half the time and get out on parole
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
until the next day...
It's weird how some people can drive with some drinks under their belt and some can't. I've long ago stopped doing it. However in my younger days, I had no problem driving around with a 6-pack in me or more. The key is, and I realized this even before I got my drivers license, is when you're not in the best of shape, and frankly that includes other physical conditions such as illness, dog tired, upset about something, etc, you need to slow down and focus only on the road. I'd then drive slowly and not even turn on the radio. No conversation with anybody, etc. Never had a problem or even close to a problem.
Astonishingly, some out there seem to get the desire to drive faster and crazy under the influence, particularly teenagers. Sadly, too many of them wind-up becoming a statistic and sometimes make statistics out of innocent others.
Drugs was mentioned. That may be as bad if not worse than alcohol as far as impairment.
do you disagree that those convicted of DUI should have their drivers licenses permanently revoked? I never said it would "stop it" but that should be the absolute first step.
to be clear, do you believe the current penalties are severe enough if "severe injury or death" is not caused by the DUI?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I do disagree that it should be permanently revoked. Not all DUIs are the same and many states have laws where cops can give you one or a DWI even if youre under the .08 at their discretion.
I do not believe the penalties are severe enough if you cause severe injury especially long term or death. I also think its ridiculous that you can murder someone in cold blood and and ever get out of prison meanwhile a drug addict might be serving a sentence of similar length for being an addict.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Leonard Little:
After leaving a birthday party in 1998, Little crashed into and killed Susan Gutweiler in St. Louis, Missouri who was on her way to pick up her son from a concert. When tested, his blood alcohol content was 0.19 percent, 0.11 points exceeding the legal limit of 0.08 in the state of Missouri. Little pleaded guily to involuntary manslaughter and received a 90-day sentence of work in a city workhouse, four years probation and was ordered to undergo a thousand hours of community service.
On April 24, 2004, he was arrested again for driving while intoxicated after being stopped by The Ladue Police Department for driving 78 miles per hour in a 55 mile-per-hour zone on Interstate 64. At the time, he had red eyes, smelled of alcohol, and failed three roadside sobriety tests. He later admitted that he drank alcohol to the police. After being convicted of misdemeanor speeding but acquitted of DWI, Little received two years of probation on May 6, 2005, and was prohibited from drinking any sort of alcoholic beverage during his time of probation.
cue to the 1 minute 30 second mark for my response