No Date unusual.Has anyone ever seen one of these unusual dual Phennig coins 1 & 10 Reichsphennig

Hello all and thank you for welcoming me to the Universe. I trust my first post is acceptable. I need help identifying this coin. any information will be greatly appreciated. I have thought it may also be one off made by a creative German craftsman. if so it is indeed a fine piece of work.
It does seem like someone inlayed a 1 pfennig inside of a 10 pfennig. It definitely wasn't made that way.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Agree with Neil. But I have to admit that I like it. 🙂
Welcome to the forum RSB.
Thank you both Neil and Bailathaci,
When I bought it, it was labeled a "Magic Pfennig". I have searched wide and long and yet to find reference to, or another. I'm a notgeld nut and collect the Weimar and Third Reich in addition to my toils in American 20th century silver. Heck, If I like the looks of a coin I buy it. Coins are like guns, you can't have too many.
If you search for "magic coin" or "magician's coin", you will find a great many similar objects - just not from Germany. I have seen many such, posted on the forums before. American cent/dime, and US half dollar / British halfcrown seem to be common.
I assume they were used in magic tricks: look, I have a pfennig in my hand. Hey, presto, change-o, now it's a 10 pfennig coin!
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
HA! I should know this having a life long friend who has been a professional performing magician for 40+ years. I think I'll have it graded and send it to him.
Thank you.
They won't grade a magician's coin - from the TPG's point of view, it's a damaged coin. Or more specifically, it's two different damaged coins that have been jammed together.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Possibly so? I misspoke earlier using the word "graded". I understand it possibly would not receive a grade, but if categorized in exonumia if can possibly be encased for properties sake. All I can do is submit the item and see what they do. We'll see. I have a stack of foreign coins I'm readying to submit on the first quarter special. I gave very little for it, and I suspect if end up have $25 dollars in the coin and no case, I could always break even. Although I have no plans on ever selling. I have a grade school classmate who is magician. I will most likely send it to him.