Next Week On NFL Network Saturday Starting 5:00 PM EST...

in Sports Talk
don't worry I have my DVR all set up...
hey Gridder's...This is Perfect Reviewing...
I have 🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈 through 🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈 watched ....time to set the DVR.....
I love the buildup to the Super Bowl, but it stinks because no more NFL until September
No offense to anyone, but to me basketball season is dreadful. The NBA is like it almost doesn't exist. March Madness to me is March Dullness. Not knocking the sport, but it's never been my cup of tea.
MLB is fine, but the season is way too long, and the games way too uninteresting for the most part. It's still the greatest summer game ever invented. But frankly, watching multi-millionaires give a half-arzed effort, going thru the motions to hit and field a baseball, just doesn't enthuse me all that much.
Whereby football, even though that has its faults as well, is still gladiators who earn their money. Putting their bodies on the line to help their team win. That's what I enjoy watching. Call that a sickness if you want, I wouldn't argue with ya. 😉
hey perkdog...

because no more NFL until September....I's got part covered on VHS...
then too with my Tudor electric football...It could go on for days and days...
Your the man!!!!
I agree. I hate the NFL offseason. it takes soooooo long. I do get energized around the draft though
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I couldnt agree more. I have always hated college basketball. no interest whatsoever. I will follow the NBA playoffs but dont care about the regular season at all. I dont watch hockey or soccer. I LOVE the history of baseball, but have sort of lost interest in the current game the last few years.
for me its the NFL baby!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Even I’m looking forward to the draft to see who the pats get in the first round. Also hoping the chiefs get some quality receivers.
hoping the chiefs get some quality receivers....