1943 Mercury coin

Hi everyone. I found this coin just I need to know it's rare coin. Please help. Thanks
Hi everyone. I found this coin just I need to know it's rare coin. Please help. Thanks
Worth melt.
Did you research the date before you asked about it here?
If so, what did you think? And if not, why not?
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Almost 192 million of them were minted.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
I assume that's rhetorical. You'll never get an answer from the OP.
Mostly. Never say “never”.😉 From what I recall, there have been a small number of answers.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Not that i am going to get a response did you even * Read the Red Book.
As to those who think i am to harsh on said troll what about 307 posts and counting explanations given numerous times and still posts the same stuff.
Make the person learn on their own, By continuing to answer every question the person will never attempt to learn knowing somebody else will do the work for them. To lazy to spend the time and look at what was said previously. If not a troll this one is a lost cause and NOT worth your time but thats your choice if you want to respond or not.
Thank you LOL
Nooraden1 Hi all. Maybe I want to benefit from your experience because I have a little of what you have. any way thanks lot
Noor is a kind member here to whose posts I have grown accustomed. No harm.
Suppose that there may be obstacles to research?
I’d think that someone who can post images and ask a question here could also do a web search about a 1943 dime.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
He/She can take pictures of coins and post them on an internet forum. It seems reasonable to expect that he/she can do basic research.
144 threads over two years with "need help" and "thank you" doesn't seem like a sincere effort to engage the hobby.
If he/she is a kindly old grandparent and people just want to humor him/her, that's up to them.
I’ll pass on the onus of judgement, fellows. There are inconsistencies that make no sense. I’d rather help than repeat the complaint.
Reminds me of a member on another forum.
Used to post every coin he got and asked the same basic questions on all of them.
I asked him once why he did not do his own research when he had multiple times been
provided with the information to do so and his reply was that he did not like working
on computers so it was easier to just post on the forum.
He said it's a "Mercury coin." He didn't say nothing about no dime.
I believe that “he” has stated that she’s a “she”.
That aside, I entered “1943 Mercury” in a web search and got the below results. She didn’t even need to know that it was a dime, though the reverse image she posted includes the word “dime”.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
It's possible, in some cases, visitors to this forum are looking for a final determination/confirmation about the coin in question, from the many experts residing here. Much like one who submits their coin to a grading service. One may have an idea on a grade/authenticity, but favors the experts final blessing.
We should create a CU seal of approval and officially sticker the thread.
It’s rare.
That's right, it's right on the back. I wonder why he didn't notice it. It don't say nothing about no Mercury on it. Funny. Although it is a "Mercury coin," if you think about it. I mean, really think it over.
Just to review for newer members, the OP is an older female whose first language is not English.
They are polite, don't argue, and on occassion they do come up with a real error/variety.
How you want to react to their posts is up to you.