1935⭐silver cert.. Grade?

I have this 1935 E series silver certificate that is to the best of my knowledge uncirculated and it looks to be crooked and the serial numbers are slanted. Are those considered errors and is it worth sending in to be graded?
Best Answer
Steve_in_Tampa Posts: 2,002 ✭✭✭✭✭
Welcome to the forum.
It appears that after all of the printing, the sheet was slightly askew when cut into individual notes. It’s minor and most likely within BEP tolerances.I’ve taken the liberty of cropping and rotating your photos.
Most collectors like the printing to be well centered unless the printing runs off the
edge and shows printing from the adjoining bill. An uncentered print would never
achieve one of the higher grades.
Thank you @Steve_in_Tampa and @Greenstang... Appreciate you guys letting me know! Have a good one😊