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"Wow, it's a Contest!!!"

you are playing for a 2002 Fleer showcase Shawn Green Jersey...

ok here goes....2 geusses per person in seperate posts no Editing or disqualified......

Oh yeah....Look at collectors post right under mine...This is the way That I want it answered....I will let this slide on this contest but on next month's contest I will Disqualify you....image

How many TOTAL PM's do i have as of July 20, 2002 at 10:38 pm est?

Tie braker:: With whom do i have the most???

Contest will end on July 21, 2002 at 10:38 pm est.

Oh yes and I almost forgot, On every 20th of the month i will be posting a contest. Keep an Eye out for them!!! some questions may be real hard or real easy.....Just remember to Watch out for "Wow, It's a Contest!!!

Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!


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