A big talking head feud is brewing.

in Sports Talk
I just read that Stephen a smith and jason whitlock are duking it out over the airwaves. I dont listen to either and I find SAS just repugnant. Apparently SAS came out with a book, Whitlock panned the book and SAS, then SAS yesterday went on an expletive-filled rant against whitlock. What I find most interesting is that SAS spoke with his pastor before going on this expletive-filled rant.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
if i never heard a word about either of them ever again, it would be too soon
i honestly don't know how SAS ascended to the position he's in. brace yourself and really listen to him speak sometime............does he truly know sports? not once have i ever listened to him and thought, "he really broke it down." what exits his mouth is empty blather. i predict he'll be a political talking head before too long.
Whitlock was ok when it came to sports banter, but he uses his platform to be as acerbic and incendiary as he possibly can. i'm sure there's more than a hint of jealousy behind his panning. i had forgotten all about him until this little catfight.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
If there was ever a MMA fight scheduled between Stephen A and Taylor Swift, the smart money would bet on Taylor.
I'd rather see Rodgers vs Kimmel in a Punjabi prison match, that would be a tasty treat!
from what i can understand, this is pretty much whitlocks point. that SAS was installed by the machine to be the foremost sports authority, not because he is an expert, but because he can be controlled.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Guys like Steven A and Bayless are the absolute worst. They say things they dont believe in (have admitted doing so) just to get clicks and engagement and using the if I say it louder people will listen more method. They are just awful. Good for them getting rich off it but I cant remember the last time I watched anything that either were on. Mad Dog Russo on MLB network is the same.
I prefer actually intelligent sports coverage
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
@Basebal21 I agree. if you have to raise your voice to get your point across, you didnt have much of a point to begin with
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Stephen A made his name with basketball. He DOES know that sport. He just doesn't show it on TV or anywhere else.