Uncanny Similarities CACG to PCGS

- Similar Look
- Date in exact spot
- denomination in exact spot
- barcode and serial number in similar positions (logo on opposite sides)
- length and width of holder almost identical
- the CACG holder actually stacks nicely on top of PCGS holder
The holder is fatter, so does not fit in PCGS box (unfortunately). I really like the look of these holders. Why wouldn't I, it looks just like a PCGS holder which I always preferred. What's your thoughts?
How about posting photo of PCGS doily label slab next to CACG slab?
Figured it won’t fit in the PCGS boxes - sigh
I don't think there's much of resemblance at all. The CACG holders have different dimensions, different size inserts, different color labels, and the corporate logo is on the opposite side. There's only so many different variations of a slab design that can be used, and any new slab will surely resemble a previously used design in some way shape or form. If they had used an orange label, it would resemble ANACS. If they had used white plastic, it would resemble NGC...
Founder- Peak Rarities
You have a point about only so many variations of a slab, but I totally disagree that these are not very similar in appearance . If i was starting a new grading company I would want my slabs to have the best look and highest quality to support the high values and grading standards my company represents. Afterall, a cheap or cheesy looking slab is not a good look. I just find it interesting that IMO Dan, the slabs look very close to PCGS slabs, which is to my liking.
Or save a few steps...
(citation where it's due, I don't have an ICG photo handy, so the photo is the first one from Google Images, and came from here: https://www.cointalk.com/threads/is-icg-really-as-bad-as-many-people-say.325027/)
Say, that coin looks familiar!
Only going PCGS and sometimes NGC that I cross to PCGS….why? Registry sets.
And then there’s the fact that the coin whisperer JA started all three of the TPGs?!?
Perhaps - just spitballing here - that sequence is a natural order for a register, spreadsheet, or database
first operation is then to add
then grading adds ,
label printing takes those fields...
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")