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Finally found a pretty nice wide rim SBA!

KurisuKurisu Posts: 1,973 ✭✭✭✭✭

Been searching (on and off) since the SBAs were released over 40 years ago!

A little over a year ago I found my first wide rim (aka near date) and unfortunately it was basically a parking lot coin lol.

I'm maybe a little too excited about this pretty ok condition one and just wanted to share :blush:

It came out of a customer roll I picked at one of my banks today.
It's not blue lol, I just quickly took pics with a bit too much sun (no complaints about lots of sun this time of the year!).

Here's the one I found a little over a year ago...

Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright


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