NEWP Would This Coin Qualify For 5-6 Steps Or A Higher Numerical Grade Today?

I was wondering if this OH NGC Nickel was regraded today if it would likely receive 5 or 6 Step designation from NGC and or upgrade to 67+ or 68? Any Jefferson Nickel Experts to please weigh in. Thanks
Why do you think it deserves a star?
There does not seem to be any high end toning nor does it look prooflike on wither side.
It looks a shot at a FS designation, but I don’t see a star.
I thought the coppery flashy toning was very pretty IMHO
No. I do think it to be attractive. Hope it sells for you.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
It barely looks like there is any toning. It looks more like a shadow than coppery toning. And even if there was coppery toning, that isn’t the type of color that earns a star.
I see nothing that would warrant a grade higher than the current slab.
Thanks, I just bought it!
Excellent choice - looks like a coin you'll be very happy with!
You guys always joke with me Lol
Their point is that if you want to upgrade coins the way to do it is not posting publicly on a coin forum asking if someone will tell you what the coin is.
It comes down to this - learn to grade yourself.
Coin Photographer.
Is the person who started this thread also the person selling this coin?
If so, that is disingenuous.
If not, carry-on.
Would it be different if I did buy it. I see others asking for opinions if they should send in a coin for a regrade or other similar questions about their coins quality, looking for expert advice and nobody tells them to learn to grade.
Disce Pati
DISCE PATI – Learn to Suffer
My mother always told me our family motto – Disce Pati – meant Learn to Suffer. I hated that. Secretly, inside, I hated it. She also told me many times that I always did things the hard way. Well, that seemed to fit if I was supposed to learn to suffer. I was, and have, suffered so far in life. Not as people in REALLY hard circumstances do I know, but still.. divorce, estrangement from my children, unstable and unpredictable work environments, financial stresses. It hasn’t been easy. But still it was my family motto after all – maybe the worst was yet to come?
Then I looked it up – thank goodness for Google.
Pati has the same root as Patience. Learn to be Patient makes a whole lot more sense. Endure is another meaning. Yes these are the words that seemed to resonate with me. I realise I am somewhat impatient especially with myself and my own struggles so Patience is a word I lock onto. I’m working on it. I’m learning to be patient.
But now, this week especially, I’m brought back to my mother’s word – suffer. This week is the start of the anniversaries of my parents’ hospitalizations, illnesses, and deaths. The dates are going to start coming. It’s a year since she first went into hospital, not for the cancer that would later kill her, but for sheer exhaustion of trying to keep things going as usual. To take care of my dad and herself and the house and the life they’d built together was taking its toll on her. She’d been suffering – in the traditional sense of the word – and hiding it from us all until she could no longer. That exhaustion, that suffering, was the beginning of the end for her.
But then she rallied. She came home and then patiently got down to the business of dying HER way. She was patient with the time she had left – not knowing how long that would be – and patient with the rest of us to catch up to her as she got ready to leave us.
And now we are enduring the time without her and without my father. He fought on for 5 more months – not patiently at all. Both gone now and we who are left are learning to be patient, to endure, and to suffer the time without them in our daily lives
So many words with different meanings. It’s funny how my mother latched onto the word ‘suffer’ when it wasn’t how she died. She was patient and learning to the end.
Very nice thoughts expressed by you and really poignant. Thanks for the translation as I had no idea what it meant. Still what does that have to do with me if anything.
Vir sapiens fortis est.
Okay good night 👿. I had enough of the juvenile games. You’re acting like a moron. I feel confident enough to make my own final decision on this coin, I was just looking for additional feedback as I still factor in other opinions and I am curious what others think as I decide on a coin. If I was completely lost on this coin I would have stated that.
No and no.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
the 1940-D was one of the great products of the Jefferson series- it is readily available in a high MS grade. This is a wonderful example but I would not seek an upgrade if it were my coin.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Looks like a nice coin, nice surfaces, luster. The strike could be better, look at the crown of Jefferson's head/hair and the left side window tops all appear faint/weak in detail. The 1940-D is one of the more common dates with 6 steps but not easy to find w/a full strike let alone an EDS strike w/6 steps but they are out there.
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
depends on the luster and color - I see hints of awesome toning on obverse.
If it's your coin, people will usually give you an opinion with a minimum of attitude.
If it is not your coin but a coin you are intending to purchase if you get the "right answer", it's a different story. It appears that you are trying to make money based on the decades of expertise of others without putting in the work yourself.
You make a good point. Next time I will only post coins that I have purchased so not to give that appearance.
. But I will say whether I buy this particular coin is not really based on others opinions, as I feel that I like it enough to comfortably make that decision. I already made up my mind that I am okay with this coin, was just curious what others thought .
It’s only a question if I feel okay with the price and if I really want a Jefferson Nickel as I don’t normally collect the series, but love the look of the toning and luster.
I just PURCHASED the coin. I put my money where my mouth is even though most comments weren’t positive of my upgrade chances. I am not afraid to stand on my own decisions as I am confident it’s a great coin.
Based upon seeing the coin in hand I will decide if it merits a taking a chance at NGC for an upgrade. If I don’t like it I will return it. Edited to add I am also okay with the coin even if there is no upgrade. I will update with more pictures when I receive it to see what you guys think and get further feedback. Thanks for all of your responses.
This was in an old NGC 67 holder (no FS designation) and I did resubmit it, came back 67 FS.
Can't see through the marks on the holder WL, but I would WAG of FS on your coin.
I dabbled in full step Jefferson’s years ago before I set my sights on early material. That said, if I recall correctly, a 40-D is among the commonest nickels with full steps. My suggestion for you is to learn the dates/mints, how to grade, and what constitutes a full step coin, and what is the norm for their strike, etc. Then go looking through uncirculated raw nickels that a dealer may have. There are literally many, many thousands of nice ones out there and most dealers aren’t going to waste their time and money shuffling through them. Personally, I wouldn’t bother with the ultra common stuff (most all are) or will this coin upgrade attitude. A nice coin will sell itself. Look for a 53-S, 54-S, 68-D etc. in as close to full steps as possible. You could score a home run without shelling out big money.
I see the chance of 5FS (which is all PCGS needs for a FS designation) quite possible, it should not receive a 6FS as there is very clearly blending of the last two steps under the third column but this is market grading so anything is possible. I do not see it as overly special in any way that would command a higher grade or star, but again under market grading anything can happen. I have not been following the prices on these after I bought my MS67 6FS example for my collection. However, I paid less than the price that was being asked for this coin (again mine was already in a 6FS holder) so it would seem to me that unless you get the upgrade you would be buried after your purchase price and additional grading fees.
If I were grading the coin the two spots on the rev would limit the grade to MS66 5FS max, but I don't grade like N or P.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I like it as a 66 FS, so if crossing to pcgs you’ll only lose ~$100 in value. The reverse spotting/staining plus the obverse fingerprint aren’t doing the coin any favors.
Where is the fingerprint on the obverse? I don’t see it?
Okay I see it. Thanks
please let us know your eBay handle as most sellers do not feel eBay should be an approval service
as far as whether it could full step, it is a roll of the dice ... I have seen worse with the designation so it is not a definite either way.
You’re getting carried away with asking for my EBay handle. I understand your point though and agree about the approval issue, didn’t realize it wasn’t the best way to go about it
Edited to add I do have 100% positive feedback from my buying and selling on EBay
Nice detailed windows on that one! How's the obverse?
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
FlyingAl, that certainly would have been a good lesson, if the OP was in any way receptive to it.
In fact, the primary reason I posted the eBay listing was so some good might come out of this thread. The OP apparently loves to fuss over coins with no real intention of purchasing and/or keeping them, so I thought I might as well give a legitimate buyer the opportunity to purchase the coin (and the seller a genuine opportunity to make a sale).
Up to this point, nothing useful has come out of this thread - the responses given to the OP in good faith were all a waste of time, as were the good faith efforts of the eBay seller to make a sale. As many of us likely foresaw from the beginning, the OP did not follow through on his purchase (or more precisely, he backed out of it). The coin sold on the 6th and was relisted by the seller on the 8th, meaning the OP did not even wait to see the coin in hand, as he had promised.
So, once again I am posting the link to this coin, in hopes that it may find its way to an appreciative buyer. If the coin can find its "forever home" with a real collector and the seller makes his sale, then at least this thread will have served some useful purpose...
My intent always was to legitimately purchase the coin as I liked it for what was pretty toned and Lusterous, not just for a potential upgrade, even though other posters suggested that there was no chance for a star or numerical upgrade. I was only quickly contemplating whether I wanted a Jefferson Nickel and was good with the price.
IKET was UNFAIRLY posting the EBay listing without my PERMISSION which is UNETHICAL and I think Reportable to the moderator.
The only reason I backed out was I didn’t notice the fingerprint on the obverse which was pointed out to me by one of our astute forum members. In doing so I did the seller a FAVOR as he saved on shipping charges and time wasted as I would have returned it after seeing the fingerprint in hand. There was no harm done to anyone EXCEPT WHEN IKET POSTED THE SELLERS COIN
BTW I did apologize to the seller for asking him to cancel the sale. Edited to add so as NOT TO BE MISCONSTRUED I will not be posting anything not purchased and Inhand in the future. I reported his comments to the moderators
Thanks, I just bought it!
Now get it into a 67+*FS holder and report back!
The EBay auction is public domain - anyone can post it if they feel like it. You certainly don’t have any control over it, and it’s definitely not something the moderators will look kindly on someone who is wasting their time by reporting that.
There’s a reason that you buy the coin before you post it - and that reason is exactly what happened here.
Coin Photographer.
It may not be illegal but certainly unethical as he made a big deal out of this. There was no good reason to post this EBay listing he just wanted to disparage me. And I did end up purchasing the coin and he reposted the listing again out of spite. You seem to be exhibiting aggressive negativity for such a young person, certainly not respectful of an older poster such as myself, even though you are a highly accomplished young numis
This is just patently absurd. Respect begets respect, not age. Apparently wisdom doesn't come automatically with age either.
I've already stated my intent, and it was not to disparage you. It was clear early on that you would not be acquiring this coin, and therefore the entire thread was a waste of time for all of the commenters that offered you their advice in good faith (as well as the transaction being a waste of time for the eBay seller). I wanted to help advertise the coin, just in case someone who genuinely wanted it might see it and actually go on to purchase it - and keep it. That's it.
Okay no worries. But you are making a false assumption. I love the look of the color and luster on the obverse mainly and I was curious what other forum members thought of upgrade potential. I was very serious about purchasing it and I finally did. Only returned it because of the fingerprint as stated earlier by me. I think you were rash in posting the listing, as I was in posting before buying the coin. No problem we are good 😊
and if it is a rip or rare variety you should wait until in your hand before posting
I'm happy to report that, as of yesterday, the 1940-D nickel has sold; glad to see that things finally worked out for the seller!
Hopefully, the coin is already on the way to its "forever home" and will bring much enjoyment to its new owner.